First Promo Trailer for Thrilling Tunisian Film 'Behind the Mountains'

Behind the Mountains Trailer
"You saw me fly, Yassine, right?" Luxbox has revealed a festival promo trailer for a film titled Behind the Mountains from Tunisia, which is premiering at the 2023 Venice Film Festival currently underway in Italy. This looks like one of the most exciting discoveries of the festival, though not many people are paying attention to it yet - maybe this trailer will help build some buzz. The vague description says – the film is about a man who violently breaks free from his banal environment, evading society with its principles, codes and institutions. Majd Mastoura stars as Rafik. "It's the story of a man who violently breaks free from his banal environment, subtracting himself from society with its principles, codes, and institutions." He takes his son to show him something incredible. Also starring Walid Bouchhioua, Samer Bisharat, Selma Zghidi, and Helmi Dridi. This trailer gives a big hint that it's the ability to fly that is hiding "behind the mountains", which is used as a fascinating metaphor for breaking free - I like what he says about humans going from crawling to walking. I definitely want to see this - keep an eye out for it at other festivals as well. // Continue Reading ›


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