Watch: Funky 2D Animated Short 'Flutz' About a Figure Skater Rivalry

Flutz Animated Short Film
"The judges see something in her. That I do not." This funky, 2D animated short film created by filmmaker Ryan McCown is now available to watch online in full. Flutz is about rivalry between two figure skaters - named Sasha and Lenka. It definitely seems to be inspired by the crazy world of Russian sports, and athletes being raised by a stern coach from a very young age. The animation style is a bit rudimentary, but that's part of the charm of this strange digital creation. Short of the Week explains: "McCown started his film during the pandemic and saw it play a number of smaller festivals, before releasing it online." McCown did all the work on his own, which is always impressive even with short films. I'm not sure he offers anything new to consider about rivalries, but it's still an amusing 8-minute watch. Although I wish he kept all the real voices. // Continue Reading ›


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