Mormon WWII Historical Drama Movie 'Escape from Germany' Trailer

Escape from Germany Trailer
"Tell our missionaries to get out!" Samuel Goldwyn Films has revealed the official trailer for a new WWII historical drama titled Escape from Germany, made by a Mormon filmmaker named T.C. Christensen. It's set for a VOD release in August – though it doesn't seem worth the rental price. Escape from Germany is the story of the LDS West German Mission evacuation of 1939 which occurred only days before the Nazi invasion of Poland. Hitler's army was closing borders, and 85 (although the trailer says it's 79?) American missionaries were in Germany serving their church. The escape of these missionaries from Nazi Germany is one of the most dramatic events to occur in modern church history. The last one got out and into Denmark on August 31. The next day Germany invaded Poland and the war began. Starring Paul Wuthrich, David Shawn McConnell, Landon Henneman, Sebastian Barr, Henning Fischer, Kevin Kirshemann, Whitney Palmer, and Brad Witbeck. Despite being a WWII movie with Nazis in it, this is only rated PG. Have a look but I must point out that this is religious propaganda made by Mormons to support the church. // Continue Reading ›


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