HBO Trailer for 'Quad Gods' Doc About a Quadriplegic Esports Team

Quad Gods Doc Trailer
"I lost one identity, and the 'real me' came out." HBO has unveiled an official trailer for a documentary film titled Quad Gods, the feature directorial debut of filmmaker Jess Jacklin. This recently premiered at the 2024 Tribeca Film Festival in NYC last month, and it will be be streaming on Max later in July for everyone to watch. Quad Gods follows the lives of a group of New Yorkers with quadriplegia who meet in a neuro-rehabilitation lab at Mount Sinai Hospital and create the world's first all-quadriplegic Esports team. "I have become the person I was meant to be." The film follows Richard, Blake, and Prentice – the world's first all-quadriplegic e-sports team – as they navigate life in New York City, confront ableism, and pursue their dreams to compete as athletes. Tribeca adds more via their description: "Providing a unique lens into both gaming and disability, this captivating story challenges assumptions and spotlights the restorative power of resilience, passion and found community." Looks good – an inspiring story. And these guys are legit gamers. // Continue Reading ›


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