Watch: Patrick Willems' Video Essay About 'Tenet' and 'Vibe Movies'

Tenet & Vibe Movies
"Don't try to understand it. Feel it." This quote from Nolan's Tenet will be remembered forever and ever. It's a good line, but it's also rather hokey, despite working well in the plot and as a guide for the audience to experience it anyway. It's a vibes movie, and we're starting to see more and more of these kind of movies recently. Perhaps because social media has made people obsessed with aesthetic over plot, perhaps because streaming content works better this way, perhaps because society has become considerably anti-intellectual recently (who knows??). In Patrick Willems' latest video essay, he breaks down and digs into this concept of "vibe movies" - where the feel of it matters more than the story. Miami Vice is another one of his big references, and directors like Malick and Kieślowski. Whether you agree or not, it's a fascinating discussion. // Continue Reading ›


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