One More US Trailer for 'The Eight Mountains' Film - In Theaters Soon

The Eight Mountains Trailer
"He's high up on his mountain, unaware of the problems we're facing down here." Janus has revealed the official US trailer for The Eight Mountains, made by the filmmakers Felix van Groeningen & Charlotte Vandermeersch. It's set to hit theaters in the US at the end of April, then open in UK cinemas in May. The film initially premiered at the 2022 Cannes Film Festival last year playing in the Main Competition. The Eight Mountains is set mostly in Italy. Pietro is a boy from the city, Bruno is the last child of a forgotten mountain village. Over the years Bruno remains faithful to his mountain, while Pietro is the one who comes and goes. Their encounters introduce them to love and loss, reminding them of their origins, letting their destinies unfold, as Pietro and Bruno discover what it means to be friends for life. Starring Luca Marinelli as Pietro and Alessandro Borghi as Bruno. This was one of my Top 10 films of 2022, I adore this film. It's a story about friendship and love, but much more about mountains, and their majesty and might. It's about how mountains can change us, shape us, guide us, influence us, and inspire us. ⛰️ Go see this superb film. // Continue Reading ›


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