French Trailer for Robin Campillo's 'Red Island' Set in 70s Madagascar

Red Island Trailer
Memento Distribution in France has revealed the first official trailer for a film titled Red Island, the latest from acclaimed director Robin Campillo - best known for his AIDS drama 120BPM before this. That one first premiered at Cannes 2017, but his next one is skipping the festival entirely - which seems a bit strange. L'île Rouge, aka Red island, is set in the 1970s on the African island of Madagascar - taking place at one of the last French outposts at the end of their time as colonialists. The synopsis says it's about "soldiers and their families living through the last illusions of colonialism," with a very specific focus on a 10-year-old boy named Thomas, observing it all through young eyes. This stars Nadia Tereszkiewicz, Quim Gutierrez, Charlie Vauselle, Amely Rakotoarimalala, Hugues Delamarlière, Sophie Guillemin, and David Serero. This is opening in France at the end of May, though there's no other international release dates set yet. At first glance it seems like Campillo's Belfast meets Pacifiction. I think it looks quite good, I'm curious. // Continue Reading ›


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