A Missing Dog + A Film Critic in Indie Comedy 'Dogleg' Official Trailer

Dogleg Trailer
"She's kinda out on the town, but she's not lost." Yours Truly & Brain Dead have revealed an official trailer for an indie awkward comedy called Dogleg, from filmmaker Al Warren making his first feature film. The very meta comedy is made by Brain Dead in LA - which is where it will premiere. Dogleg follows amateur director Alan, played by Al Warren, after he loses his fiancé’s dog at a gender reveal party on the day of an important shoot. As he struggles to finish his latest project with the help of a New York critic, the pursuit of the lost dog and the chaos of his film begin to blend and Alan grows desperate for the day to be over. Told through a series of interlocking vignettes, Dogleg is an ode to indie filmmaking and the frustrations of the creative process. Shot over five years, this is a surreal comedy of errors that pokes fun at the absurdity of ambition. This stars Al Warren, Angela Trimbur, Dylan Redford, Kristoffer Borgli, Ella Smith, Courtney Pauroso, Bridey Elliott, and David Aaron Baker. This looks like it might be worth a watch - a unique indie from Los Angeles. It's screening this month in both NY & LA if anyone wants to check it out. // Continue Reading ›

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/KVTjndU

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