Official Trailer for Wacky Doggie Comedy 'R.A.D.A.R.: The Bionic Dog'

R.A.D.A.R.: The Bionic Dog Trailer
"Yes, the dog can text." Lionsgate has revealed a trailer for a movie called R.A.D.A.R.: The Bionic Dog, which, yes, is as bad as it sounds. This is something that would direct to the bargain bin at Walmart back in the 90s, but now it's getting a direct-to-VOD release which is almost the same. A boy and his dog with bionic powers save a small town from two bumbling crooks. The mad scientist who invented the treasure-hunting dog wants to steal him back — along with the town’s famous sapphire! Can Gabe and Kylie protect the dog, guard the jewel, and save the town? Because the script is cheesy trash, you already know the answer is - yes, of course they can! The fun-for-all-ages comedy stars Dean Cain, Ezra Lerario, and Paul Wilson. I am honestly more worried about the Belgian Malinois doggie in this, hopefully they treated him/her well and didn't abuse him on the set. This looks extremely bad, I'm only posting because I love doggos & dog movies. // Continue Reading ›


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