Chilling Trailer for Supernatural Horror Documentary 'The Unbinding'

The Unbinding Trailer
"Suffer a witch." Planet Weird has unveiled an official trailer for a chilling new documentary feature titled The Unbinding, a horrifying journey into the forests of New York. It's produced by Greg & Dana Newkirk, the duo behind a paranormal researchers channel called "Planet Weird" - the intro states "Greg & Dana have traversed North America on hundreds of paranormal adventures." Their latest is called The Unbinding, about a weird witch totem. After finding a strange statue in the Catskills, hikers become the target of chilling paranormal phenomena. As the activity escalates, occult researchers Greg & Dana are called to uncover the truth behind the haunted artifact. From the award-winning team behind the Hellier horror series comes The Unbinding, a terrifying true tale from the dark forests of New York. That "suffer a witch" tagline is a pretty clear indication where this film is headed. They should've never brought that creepy little statue thing home. // Continue Reading ›


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