What's in the Bag? Creepy Trailer for Dark Magic Horror 'Bag of Lies'

Bag of Lies Horror Trailer
"We've been pursuing an alternative method." Dread has revealed an official trailer for an indie horror film titled Bag of Lies, marking the feature directorial debut of filmmaker David Andrew James. This is set for a limited theatrical release at the end of March, available to watch on VOD in April. They're keep the twists a mystery - though it's obviously about a scary bag. Desperate to save his dying wife, Matt turns to "The Bag," an ancient relic with dark magic. The cure demands a chilling ritual and strict rules. As his wife heals, Matt's sanity unravels, facing terrifying consequences. Sounds like a new remix on The Monkey's Paw concept. This stars Patrick Taft, Brandi Botkin, John Wells, Madison Pullins, & Terry Tocantins. "David James brought his macabre expertise to the table and together we conjured terror that will haunt audiences." The director says that the film "packs as much of an emotional punch, as it does a chilling one." Beware The Bag. // Continue Reading ›

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/RUuc9QS

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