Trailer for Short Fan-Film 'The Spider' - A Horror Take on Spider-Man

The Spider Trailer
Watch out for this Spidey. There's a new fan film in the works launching soon titled The Spider, described as a "horror take on Spider-Man." Not to be confused with the other two actual spider horror films opening soon - Sting and Infested. Written and directed by Andy Chen, an up-and-coming young filmmaker who goes under the name "Locust Garden" on social media, the short film features a legit cast. Chandler Riggs (seen in "The Walking Dead" & "A Million Little Things") stars as Spider-Man, along with Caylee Cowan, Matthew Vorce, Kyra Gardner, Holgie Forrester, Carl Addicott, David Rice, Andrew Hernon, Kealani Kitaura, Ronan Arthur & Ben Thomas. With a score by Alexander Taylor. It is an entirely fan-made, non-profit film inspired by Spider-Man. Our pals over at Live for Film also point out that there is actually a "fully mutated Man-Spider" from the comics, and this short also seems similar to the Truth In Journalism Venom fan film from 2013. Some cool shots in this quick teaser - from the looks of it he's going to go full The Fly. Chen's hype: "Look out for this one!!! It's going to be the most insane one yet!!!" Be ready. // Continue Reading ›


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