Official Trailer for Chilling Kafkaesque Horror 'In Flames' from Pakistan

In Flames Trailer
"No one will find out...?" Game Theory Films has revealed an official trailer for an indie horror film titled In Flames, made by the Canadian-Pakistani filmmaker Zarrar Kahn. He's making his feature directorial debut with this film after a few other shorts. Described mainly as a psychological thriller, In Flames is a ghostly parable about Pakistan's insidious patriarchal order. It was the first Pakistani film to premiere in Director's Fortnight at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival in nearly half a century, and was submitted as Pakistan's entry to this year's Academy Awards. After the death of the family patriarch, a mother and daughter’s precarious existence is ripped apart by figures from their past. They must find strength in each other if they are to survive the malevolent forces that threaten to engulf them. That sounds unsettling. Set mostly in Karachi, In Flames stars Ramesha Nawal, Omar Javaid, Bakhtawar Mazhar, Adnan Shah Tipu, Mohammad Ali Hashmi, and Jibran Khan. There are some really nicely framed shots in this trailer - it's worth a look. // Continue Reading ›


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