Official Trailer for 'Full Circle' Doc About Two Stories of Disabled Skiers

Full Circle Doc Trailer
"He's not just an adaptive athlete, he's just an athlete." Abramorama has unveiled the official trailer for a documentary film titled Full Circle, directed by the action sports filmmaker Josh Berman. The trailer was originally debuted by the iconic camera company GoPro - this partnership marks the first time in its 22-year history that GoPro has released third party content through their channels. The film's actual full title is Full Circle: A Story of Post Traumatic Growth, telling the inspiring story of two mountain lovers who are connected by disability. Full Circle is an unblinking examination of the challenges of Spinal Cord Injury, and a celebration of the growth that such tragedy can catalyze. A story of redemption, perseverance and the triumph of the human spirit, featuring the legendary Sit Skier Trevor Kennison & Jackson Hole legend turned author / community leader Barry Corbet. Looks good. "The honesty & truthfulness with which the creators presented the reality of life with Spinal Cord Injury was a relief. We need films like this." We do. 🤙 // Continue Reading ›


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