Watch: Mesmerizing Animated Short 'Iizuna Fair' by Sumito Sakakibara

Iizuna Fair Animation
This entrancing animated art is currently available to watch online for only a limited time - don't miss your chance to view it. Iizuna Fair is a magnificent art piece created by Japanese artist Sumito Sakakibara, commissioned by the Nagano Prefectural Art Museum in Japan. After premiering in 2021 & winning awards at festival it's now being project onto their massive 26m screen, which you can visit for yourself in Nagano, but for everyone else who can't make it they've published it online. It's only available for 3 months only - from September 15th until December 15th this fall. "In the midst of the frenzied night, a man finds himself lost in the crevasse of time." It's a rumination on time and memory and regret and grief, set mostly around a fair in the town of Iizuna (see Google Maps). While the artwork can play as a short, it's designed to run in a continuous loop, which adds an extra meta layer of meaning about our experience with life on this planet. I like the fight with the dragon right in the middle - though there's many beautiful details to examine closely. // Continue Reading ›


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