Venice, Telluride, Toronto, New York - Four Terrific Fall Film Festivals

Venice Film Festival

Who's ready for the fall film festival season to kick off?! If you work in the movie industry, or if follow the movie industry, or if you just love new movies, September 1st is the big day when the fall season begins. It's an exciting time because four major film festivals take place back-to-back, and all of the excellent films that have been finishing up this year will be premiering across many of them. The Venice Film Festival (in its 79th year / aka "Venezia") kicks things off every fall, launching just days before the Telluride Film Festival (in its 49th year / aka "Telluride"). Days after Telluride is over, and before Venice has even ended, the Toronto Film Festival (in its 47th year / aka "TIFF") launches. At the end of the month, the iconic and glamorous New York Film Festival (in its 60th year / aka "NYFF") begins with a big celebration at the beloved Lincoln Center on the Upper West Side. I have been to all four of these festivals many times over the years, and I'd say that each one is an outstanding film festival and any of these four are worth attending. ›››

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