Official Trailer for 'They Crawl Beneath' Earthquake Creature Feature

They Crawl Beneath Trailer

"How many of you are there!?" Well Go USA has debuted an official trailer for an indie horror feature titled They Crawl Beneath, which will be out on VOD directly in the start of October. This practical effects-driven creature feature, reminiscent of the fun horror films of the 1950s, hasn't played at any festivals but still looks worth watching. If you dig creature features, give this a look. After an earthquake leaves Danny trapped and alone, his claustrophobic nightmare only gets worse when something truly horrifying emerges from the fissures in the ground, forcing him to engage in a brutal fight for his life—and his sanity. Joseph Almani stars, with Michael Pare, Arthur Roberts, Merrick McCartha, Karlee Eldridge, Elena Sahagun, and Natalia Bilbao. This looks like a distant cousin of Tremors, with practical monsters that emerge from the ground with giant teeth hungry to eat tasty humans. Might be a fun! Definitely looks like it. ›››

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