Official Trailer for Doc Film 'Kaepernick & America' About His Protest

Kaepernick & America Trailer

"It was so much bigger than football." Dark Star has revealed an official trailer for a documentary titled Kaepernick & America, which first premiered at the Seattle Film Festival and then played at the Tribeca Film Festival earlier this year. It's releasing on VOD to watch next week for anyone interested. Kaepernick & America explores the intersection between Colin Kaepernick's anthem protests and the extreme reactions they spurred in the United States over the last few years, revealing unique insights into America's ongoing racial turmoil and obsession with white supremacy. The powerful documentary "examines the man and his protest, exploring the remarkable conflict stirred by such a simple gesture." Ever since he started to oppose police brutality, civil rights activist and former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick's actions have reverberated worldwide as shown in this doc. I also think Ava DuVernary's Kaepernick series Colin in Black & White is fantastic and worth watching, and probably pairs well with this film, too. Get a look below. ›››

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