New Re-Release Trailer for 1974 Black Action Film 'Solomon King'

Solomon King Trailer

"When you lose your head, your ass goes with it." Deaf Crocodile (what a fun name) has debuted an official re-release trailer for a 1974 film titled Solomon King, which is re-releasing this fall. It will be premiering first at Fantastic Fest in Austin, TX. Detective Solomon King has to use all of his dirty tricks and experiences to get revenge on the people that murdered his girlfriend. It's a long-lost, independently financed Black urban crime-action film from director / actor / producer / writer Sal Watts, who also stars as Solomon, featuring a stunning soul-funk soundtrack, and incredible clothes from Watts's own fashion stores. Restored with the cooperation of the filmmaker's widow, Belinda Burton-Watts (also in the film), and utilizing one of the only surviving prints of the film from the UCLA Film&TV Archive with the original soundtrack elements (which had been stored in Burton-Watts's closet for decades), it's finally returning to theaters in 2022 - some 48 years later. This looks crazy badass!! Nothing like some 70s Blaxploitation on the big screen again. ›››

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