Official Trailer for 'The American Dream and Other Fairy Tales' Doc

The American Dream and Other Fairy Tales Trailer

"The Disney company is ground zero of the widening inequality in America." An official trailer has debuted for the searing documentary film titled The American Dream and Other Fairy Tales, which originally premiered at the 2022 Sundance Film Festival earlier this year. This is definitely the film that Disney does not want you to see because it shatters their perfect image as this fairytale company that makes all your (and your kids') dreams come true, primarily by underpaying workers and exploiting labor worldwide for their greedy gain. Dr. Abigail E. Disney (granddaughter of Roy O. Disney, co-founder of the company) looks at America's dysfunctional and unequal economy and asks why the "American Dream" only seems to work for the wealthy, yet is a nightmare for people born with less. Using her family's story, Disney explores how this systemic injustice took hold and imagines a way toward a more equitable future. I saw this at Sundance and highly recommend this film to every last American. It's mostly designed to be an honest, hard-hitting, eye-opening look at how Disney's greed has no limits and they are only one of many corporations just like this. ›››

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