Robert Carradine in Solitary Confinement Horror 'Human Zoo' Trailer

Human Zoo Trailer

"The whole idea of this show is to test your will to go on." Wild Eye Releasing has unveiled an official trailer for a strange horror called Human Zoo, which is the most generic descriptive name for the film possible. The internet watches live, as reality-show contestants struggle against time to see who will stay in solitary confinement the longest and take home the one million dollar prize. The film stars Robert Carradine (the younger half-brother of David Carradine), Trista Robinson, Rachel Amanda Bryant, Jose Rosete, Jessica Cameron, Megan Le, and Heather Dorff. Even though this is supposed to be commenting on snuff films, it just looks and sounds and smells like a snuff film itself. Not sure how this can be entertaining. ›››

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