Official US Trailer for Submarine Thriller 'Torpedo U 235' from Belgium

Torpedo U 235 Trailer

"We've got to pilot this ourselves?" Epic Pictures has released an official US trailer for a submarine thriller called Torpedo U 235, which is an amalgamation of two other titles for this: Torpedo (the original Belgian title) and U235 (the sub's name). The film is about a small team of Belgian resistance fighters that kidnap a German submarine during WWII and accept a mission to bring uranium, needed for the Manhattan Project, from the Belgian Kongo to New York. Based on a true story, of course. This looks like it has some awesome action in addition to the wicked cool story of some Belgians wrangling a stolen German sub for a top secret mission. This stars Koen De Bouw, Thure Riefenstein, Ella-June Henrard, Joren Seldeslachts, Sven De Ridder, Stefan Perceval, and Bert Haelvoet. The dialogue is cheesy, but the rest seems solid. ›››

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