Official Trailer for 'Natalie Wood: What Remains Behind' Doc on HBO

Natalie Wood: What Remains Behind Trailer

"I don't think there's a day that has ever gone by that I haven't thought about Natalie." HBO has debuted an official trailer for a feature documentary titled Natalie Wood: What Remains Behind, the latest film from veteran cinema history producer / filmmaker Laurent Bouzereau. The film explores famed actress Natalie Wood's life and career through the unique perspective of her daughter, Natasha Gregson Wagner, and others who knew her best. It originally premiered at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year. They wrote that the film, "lets those closest to her tell an intimate story of the Natalie Wood they knew. Besides discussing the night she died and its terrible aftermath, those who knew her best share what made her not just a remarkable actor but also a friend, wife, and mother, whose loss is lessened in impact only by her loving memory." This certainly does seem like a comprehensive celebration of her life and talent and beauty. ›››

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