New Trailer for South African Supernatural Thriller 'The Soul Collector'

The Soul Collector Trailer

"There's something in the yard. Something strange…" Shout has debuted an official US trailer for a South African horror thriller titled The Soul Collector, which originally premiered at the Fantasia Film Festival last year. It also played at the Toronto After Dark, Chicago, & Pan African Film Festivals last fall. Produced and set in South Africa, The Soul Collector is a "fresh new tale of demonic terror, with a captivating South African cast." An old man, fated to collect souls for eternity, seeks atonement after trading his daughter's soul. The film stars Tshamano Sebe, Keita Luna, Garth Breytenbach, Inge Beckman, Chris April, and Owam Arwen Mditshwa. Naming a main character "Lazarus" is just a little too obvious, isn't it? But looks like he gives the best performance anyway. Seems like there's plenty of super creepy moments in this. ›››

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