Official Trailer for 'War Game' Realistic American Coup Simulation Doc

War Game Trailer
"Six hours to save democracy." Decal & Submarine Deluxe have unveiled an official trailer for a deeply unsettling, fascinating, unforgettable documentary film titled War Game, from directors Jesse Moss (The Overnighters, Boys State, Girls State, Mayor Pete, The Mission) & Tony Gerber. This first premiered at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival earlier this year and caused quite a stir, attracting plenty of attention. The film is a "real-life political thriller" set on January 6, 2025 – War Game imagines a nation-wide insurrection in which some members of the US military defect in support of the losing Presidential candidate, while the winning candidate and his many advisors—played by an all-star roster of senior officials from the last five administrations (who actually know these jobs)—war games the crisis in the White House situation room. They have 6 hours to save democracy as the country teeters on the brink of civil war. In this doc, prestigious US officials simulate a coup after a disputed election. Insurgents take capitals, questioning the president's military control. Countering disinformation is vital, while highlighting bipartisan defense of democracy. It's a frightening look at something that could really happen - and how it might play out. Take a look if you dare. // Continue Reading ›


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