Official Trailer for Spiritual Horror Thriller Film 'The Woods Are Real'

The Woods Are Real Trailer
"Bravery is real. Out here, bad people become good." Gravitas Ventures has revealed an official trailer for an indie horror film titled The Woods Are Real, made by filmmaker Alix Lambert. This seems to be a shoddy "liberals are dumb!" film made by American conservatives, which is not surprising to see nowadays but it also doesn't have much of anything interesting to say either... The film is described as a "folk horror twist" on the story of Job from the Bible. Joba and Quincy are a wealthy Brooklyn couple who value charity above all. But when a friend returns from a country pilgrimage to challenge their bleeding hearts, they accept an invitation that will change their lives forever. They end up trapped in the woods with everything taken from them... Starring Matt Dellapina and Chinasa Ogbuagu as Joba and Quincy, with Campbell Scott as The Woodsman, Nick Westrate, Jeffrey Omura, Kathleen McElfresh, Teresa Avia Lim, & Laura Esposito. This looks so obnoxiously cheesy and pretentious, I doubt anyone will even care to see it. // Continue Reading ›


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