Official Trailer for Netflix's 'The Signal' German Space Mystery Series

The Signal Series Trailer
"Something's coming to us. Nobody must know." Netflix has unveiled the full official trailer for a German space mystery series titled The Signal, arriving for streaming in early March. (We also recommend the US indie film The Signal from 2014.) When an astronaut mysteriously vanishes during a mission, her husband goes to investigate while navigating life as a single parent to their daughter. The exciting mystery drama is a 4-part limited series from Netflix. Florian David Fitz stars as Sven, with Yuna Bennett as his daughter Charlie, and Peri Baumeister as his missing wife Paula, plus Hadi Khanjanpour, Sheeba Chadha, Katharina Schüttler, Nilam Farooq, Meret Becker, and guest star Katharina Thalbach. So what's going on here? She arrived back from Earth but never came back home... Where did she go? Paula was on the ISS. And up there, in the darkness of space, she discovered something. Or didn't she? "There are things that are bigger than us." There's plenty of mystery here, I just hope she really did discover something and the twist isn't "there's nothing but she's politically dangerous" or whatever. Bring on some aliens! Hopefully. // Continue Reading ›


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