Teleportation Tech Refugees Sci-Fi Indie Film 'Coyote' Official Trailer

Coyote Trailer
"How far would you jump... for the one you love." Gravitas has released a trailer for an indie sci-fi thriller titled Coyote, made by filmmaker Dustin Curtis Murphy as his feature debut. It'll be out to watch on VOD next week. A story of forbidden love in a dystopian future where teleportation tech enables two refugees to escape genocide. When they trust the wrong back-alley teleporter, Ekaterina and Anya end up separated. In a desperate attempt to be reunited again, they're entwined in an insidious human trafficking ring involving corrupt politicians. Starring The Witcher actress Therica Wilson-Read and Absentia actress Borislava Stratieva, plus Ruhtxjiaih Bellenea, Ailish Symons, Tian Chaudry, Beruce Khan, and Richard Glover. The filmmakers say it's a film where "LGBTQ refugees [are] seen as the heroes they are... We need to push these types of stories to the forefront." Yes, agreed, but this looks bad and no one is going to watch it anyway. Dystopian teleportation is a cool concept, but they don't seem to be doing anything clever with this. // Continue Reading ›


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