Crazy Trailer for 'Caddy Hack' Horror 'Gremlins' x 'Caddyshack' Film

Caddy Hack Trailer
"I can't have my members playing through a dead caddy!" These pesky little critters! Wild Eye Releasing has unveiled an official trailer for Caddy Hack - a wacky, super low budget horror comedy creation from filmmaker Anthony Catanese. It's premiering at Kevin Smith's Smodcastle theater in Atlantic Highlands, NJ this August before a direct-to-VOD release in the fall. This is described as a mash-up between Caddyshack and Gremlins, which sounds like good fun. The film follows a struggling golf course that suffers a string of caddy murders at the paws of pesticide-mutated gofers, while the greedy owner of the facility tries to cover up the carnage and an unhinged groundkeeper wages all-out war on the vicious little vermin. Starring Jim Gordon, Jake Foy, Chrissy Cavallo, Nick Twist, Ilene Sullivan, and John Evans. Yeah, this looks so ridiculous and cheap and hilariously dumb that it might be crazy fun to watch. Also really dig the homemade hand-puppet gofers with big teeth & claws as the goofy villains - legit shoestring filmmaking here. Have fun. // Continue Reading ›


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