Official Trailer for Unsolved Airplane Crash Mystery Doc 'Murky Skies'

Murky Skies Trailer
"At the moment I knew - there was something completely wrong." Dogwoof has unveiled a promo trailer for a chilling documentary film titled Murky Skies, yet another of these "true crime" docs that Netflix and audiences are into these days. This one is about a mysterious unsolved airplane crash from the 90s, one that many may have forgotten. The 1992 crash of an Israeli Boeing 747 into an apartment building in Amsterdam remains a three decades mystery, fueled by unexplained illnesses, lost evidence, mysterious cargo, and one missing black box. An international thriller that chronicles how narratives are conceived and uncovers the hidden threads between business, politics, the military and us: the people. Directed by Israeli doc filmmaker Noam Pinchas, Murky Skies will be released as a 3-part doc series - perfect for Netflix. It already opened in Israel and The Netherlands, though no other international release dates are set. This looks quite compelling, dipping into conspiracy theory territory bolstered by plenty of strange unexplainable evidence. I'm curious. // Continue Reading ›


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