Sundance 2021: Kate Tsang's Magical 'Marvelous and The Black Hole'

Marvelous and The Black Hole Review

For as long as I've been attending the Sundance Film Festival (since 2007), coming-of-age films have been regular part of their line-up. Year after year, indie coming-of-age flicks premiere at the festival and most of them are quite good… but not always. The coming-of-age concept is always enjoyable and a good setup for new filmmakers, for many reasons, but often because it allows the filmmaker to express their authenticity and their creativity in order to make their particular story unique. The worst kind of coming-of-age films are the formulaic ones with nothing new to add or say. But the ones that risks, and are crafted with originality and ingenuity, always stand out. Kate Tsang's Marvelous and The Black Hole is one of the newest teen coming-of-age films from Sundance that really stands out, and I'm delighted to discover it this year. It's a very lightweight, easy-to-enjoy film about an angsty teen who finds some inspiration thanks to a new friend. ›››

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