Sundance 2025: 'Deaf President Now!' Doc is Remarkably Inspiring

Deaf President Now! Review
There are not many documentaries these days that end with real hope and optimism. Way too many of them are extremely depressing and sad, showing how bad things have become all over the world. I'm relieved that this outstanding doc at the 2025 Sundance Film Festival shares an fascinating story that is truly inspiring. Watching this film it makes me feel like we actually can achieve change. It is possible. As long as you never give up, as long as you stick to word, stay the course, never let anyone or anything dissuade you, and fight on until they finally back down. That's such a refreshing feeling in the face of so many other "look how awful things are" docs being made (from true crime to politics to societal problems and so on). Deaf President Now! recalls how the students at Gallaudet University in 1988 protested for one week until they finally elected the first Deaf president to run the university after 125 years of never having a Deaf president. It's an awesome, empowering, riveting story that most people don't know - and this doc does such a superb job of retelling it and confirming its importance as one of the greatest civil rights movements in America's history. // Continue Reading ›


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