Official Trailer for 'Box: Metaphor' - Dystopian Sci-Fi Mystery Thriller

Box: Metaphor Trailer
"You are who you choose to be." Gravitas Ventures has revealed an official trailer for an indie sci-fi creation called Box: Metaphor, from filmmaker Kevin Khachan. This one goes on the list of extremely literal titles - so this sci-fi film about people stuck in box is, uh, a metaphor? Go figure. Box: Metaphor is a compelling dystopian journey where unjust imprisonment unveils societal conformity and defiance's profound impact. It's about breaking free from metaphorical boxes and the resilience of the human spirit. Box: Metaphor is set in a dystopian world, described as "having a similar aesthetic to The Hunger Games franchise." The big ensemble cast features Kasia Stelmach, Lorry D'Ercole, Charlotte Coquelin, Martin Cohen, Diane De Lacy, Jasmine Evans, Kevin Khachan, Kloud Milas, and Charlotte Wood. This doesn't really look terrible, thankfully, but not sure if it'll be any good either. Cool concept, let's just hope it's a good film. // Continue Reading ›


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