Gross Creature Feature 'The Tank' Trailer Starring Luciane Buchanan

The Tank Trailer
"It's knows we're here." Well Go USA has revealed an official trailer for a new monster movie horror thriller titled The Tank, made by a New Zealand filmmaker named Scott Walker (who last directed The Frozen Ground in 2013). This will be arriving in US theaters at the end of April. After mysteriously inheriting an abandoned coastal property, Ben and his family accidentally unleash an ancient, long-dormant creature that terrorized the entire region—including his own ancestors—for generations. The film features a nasty-looking slimy monster that was designed as a practical "creature suit" by the incredible team from Weta Workshop. Starring Luciane Buchanan, Matthew Whelan, Zara Nausbaum, Regina Hegemann, Jack Barry, and Holly Shervey. The crew also features Crawl composer Max Aruj creating the score. With the tease at the beginning about axolotl, the monster seems like a giant mutant salamander - or axolotl. Looks freaky. // Continue Reading ›


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