Watch: 'Attack of the Giant Bubbles' Sci-Fi Invasion Mashup Short Film

Attack of the Giant Bubbles Short Film
"Have you seen something strange in the sky these days?" They're coming, they're invading! Bubbles, giant white bouncing bubbles! Batten down the hatches, get the defense system ready. This amusing three minute sci-fi mashup is the latest creation from French filmmaker / editor Fabrice Mathieu (we also posted his In the Shadow noir short a month ago). Attack of the Giant Bubbles is a cinema mashup short film using the white bubbles from the 60s TV series The Prisoner and some footage from classic sci-fi films including: Forbidden Planet, Mars Attacks!, Moonraker, Space: 1999, Thunderbirds are Go. It also has a kind of Independence Day vibe. Just another fun video made by Fabrice - makes me want to watch all these. // Continue Reading ›


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