First Trailer for Gritty Fantasy Epic 'Dragon Knight' Made in Scotland

Dragon Knight Trailer

"And I summon you to a war!" Hex Studios has released the official promo trailer for a new epic fantasy project called Dragon Knight, a throwback to the fantasy epics of the 70s and 80s. The film is in the midst of a funding round on Kickstarter so they can finish up their post-production and release the film later this year. When a malevolent force takes hold over the kingdoms of Agonos, a lone knight must embark on a perilous quest to find the last dragon, and save the world from this great and growing evil. The screenwriter adds: "Dragon Knight will have everything you expect from a fantasy film: dragons, heroes, epic battles, but it also has something to say, and should feel relevant to the strange times we live in." Let's hope it's good. The film stars Joanne Garnet, Emily Louise Knutsson, Megan Tremethick, Michael Daviot, Ryan Livingstone, Regan Walker, and Jock Ferguson. We've also included the retro illustrated poster from artist Neil Fraser below as part of their campaign. Check it out and let us know if this film looks any good. ›››

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