Toho in Japan has unveiled the first official trailer for the new film titled Belle made by acclaimed, award-winning Japanese animation director Mamoru Hosoda (of the films The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Summer Wars, Wolf Children, The Boy and the Beast, and Mirai). The short title is just Belle (perhaps a reference to Beauty and the Beast), but the film's full Japanese title is Belle: The Princess of Dragons and Freckles and it's currently set to tour in Japan this summer. The film is about a teenage girl who lives between modern-day Japan and a virtual world called "U." The story follows her as she makes a new friend and "embarks on a journey of adventures and love both in their quest of becoming who they truly are." This trailer asks a lot of questions - who is she, why is she so popular, why does she have to hide her face, who are these bad guys? I'm very curious to see more from this, but it looks quite magnificent already. Check it out. ›››
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