Restoration Trailer for Melvin Van Peebles' 'Story of a Three-Day Pass'

The Story of a Three-Day Pass

"I'm not the Captain's Uncle Tom!" "Maybe yes, maybe no?" Janus Films has released a brand new trailer for the 4K restoration of Melvin Van Peebles' 1968 film The Story of a Three-Day Pass, also known as La permission in French. The film stars Harry Baird as Turner, an African-American solider stationed in France who is granted a promotion and a three-day leave from base. He ends up in Paris and falls in love with a white woman, played by Nicole Berger. But what happens to their love when his furlough is over? He's eventually demoted "for fraternizing with a white girl", of course, in this exploration of "the psychology of an interracial relationship as well as a commentary on France's contradictory attitudes about race." The new 4K restoration was arranged by IndieCollect in consultation with Mario Van Peebles, with support from the Hollywood Foreign Press Association. And it will play in cinemas in NY & LA starting in May, for anyone in town who wants to see this shiny new print on the big screen. It looks very much worth catching up with. ›››

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