"Between two friends there can only be one champion." Netflix has debuted a trailer for a documentary film titled The Speed Cubers, marking the directorial debut of filmmaker Sue Kim. The 40-minute short doc is premiering directly on Netflix later in July. The film focuses on two competitors in the world of competitive speedcubing — solving Rubik's cubes and other puzzles as quickly as possible. The two top "speed cubers" are Feliks Zemdegs from Australia, who had reigned as king of the cubers for nearly a decade, and Max Park from California, who originally emerged onto the scene in 2017, beating Zemdegs' 3×3 world record. Discover the special bond — and uncommon competitive spirit — that has connected these two as they battle over Rubik's cubes. This looks really good! An inspiring, uplifting story about two competitors and friends. ›››
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from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/2VADSjr
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