Official Trailer for 'This is the Tom Green Documentary' From Canada

This is the Tom Green Documentary Trailer
"Don't make a documentary about your life! It's weird, hilarious, sometimes crazy, sometimes strange, anxiety-inducing, but mostly a relief." Prime Video has revealed a trailer for a comedy doc called This is the Tom Green Documentary, which is ready for streaming this month. It hasn't played at any festivals as far as we know, and will be out for streaming on Amazon's Prime Video on January 24th - not long of a wait. We haven't heard his name in a long time! From Canada to Hollywood and back. Explore comedian Tom Green's legendary career in this autobiographical doc film. The title is a reference to his old comedy / prank show that used to open with a song called This is The Tom Green Show (it originally ran from 1994 - 2000). If you're wondering where Green went, he explains in this short trailer that he sold his home and now lives on a farm in up Canada near his hometown where he's originally from. I'm quite curious to see him reflect on his life, his comedy antics, and everything else going on in the world - check it out below. // Continue Reading ›


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