Christopher Lambert in Psychological Thriller 'It's Not Over' Trailer

It's Not Over Trailer
"Do the police not teach you that coincidences don't exist?" Lionsgate has revealed an official US trailer for a psychological thriller film titled It's Not Over, made by Italian producer / director Alessandro Riccardi. This is an Italian production but shot in English, that first opened in Italy in 2022, now hitting VOD in the US two years later. Max and Sarah are lovers. They meet whenever Albert, her doctor husband, is on duty at the hospital. One night, Albert dies in a domestic accident and, suddenly, Max and Sarah's clandestine love can come out into the open. However, Max notices some disturbing details in Sarah's behavior, insinuating a series of suspicions into the man. What if he's not the person he says he is? It's described as "a spine-chilling thriller that will keep you guessing until the very last minute." Starring Christopher Lambert, Gianni Capaldi, Weronika Rosati, Ian Reddington, Sarah Collier, and John-James Colvin. Ugh this looks like an extremely trashy Lifetime After Dark made-for-TV movie that you really don't want to waste time on. // Continue Reading ›


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