"Are you ready to begin?" Cinedigm has revealed an official trailer for an intriguing psychological thriller titled MK Ultra, from filmmaker Joseph Sorrentino. This is a superbly on-the-nose title for a film that is based around and set in the time of the MK Ultra experiments in the 60s, but that's how they have to sell films these days. Based on the infamous CIA drug experiments, this psychological thriller follows a brilliant psychiatrist, played by Anson Mount, who unknowingly becomes entangled with a dangerous government entity fixated on mind control using psychedelic substances. This thriller exposes the experiments the US conducted on its own citizens. MK Ultra also stars Jaime Ray Newman, Alon Aboutboul, and David Jensen. It's amusing that they turned the MK Ultra tests into fodder for an intense thriller, I don't think it ever got this crazy. Or… did it? "Politics and science make the worst of friends," indeed. Don't mix these two. ›››
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