Official Trailer for Ridiculous B-Movie Horror 'Amityville in the Hood'

Amityville in the Hood Trailer

"A new strain of evil." Get it, get it? Wild Eye Releasing has debuted an official trailer for Amityville in the Hood, another ridiculous B-movie creation from filmmaker Dustin Ferguson. He's kind of like Asylum, but not even that good. Another Amityville offering now that the rights are in public domain and anyone can use them to make any bad horror movie. But it might be the best? (The others: The Amityville Murders, The Amityville Harvest, Amityville Uprising). An Eastside gang uses the Amityville property to grow marijuana when they are attacked by a rival gang and their drugs stolen. Soon, it's unleashed on the Westside streets of Compton, where anyone who smokes it suffers one KILLER buzz. Oh lord. The film's cast includes Dustin Ferguson, Jennifer Nangle, John R. Walker, Thom Michael Mulligan, Allie Perez, Pat Kusnadi, Erik Anthony Russo, and Esau McKnight. A haunted marijuana strain? Okay fine, points for creativity. ›››

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