"Beware the prophet. Beware the children who follow him." HBO has debuted the full-length official trailer for a post-apocalyptic series titled Station Eleven, adapted from the book of the same name by Emily St. John Mandel. Station Eleven is a post-apocalyptic saga spanning multiple timelines. This limited drama series tells the stories of survivors of a devastating flu as they attempt to rebuild and re-imagine the world anew while holding on to the best of what's been lost. It's about all the people who try to rebuild a new world after; what they look back on and draw from with most of humanity being gone now… The ensemble cast features Mackenzie Davis, Himesh Patel, Daniel Zovatto, David Wilmot, Matilda Lawler, Lori Petty, Nabhaan Rizwan, and Philippine Velge, with Gael Garcìa Bernal and Danielle Deadwyler. This looks intriguing because it seems to ask post-apoc questions that aren't usually asked, like how do they reckon with the mistakes of the past while rebuilding? Embrace the little moments as they can be fleeting. ›››
Continue Reading Full Trailer for HBO's Rebuilding the World Anew Saga 'Station Eleven'
from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/3rwgOTJ
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