Empathy always makes a difference. This superb stop-motion animated short film Tokri, aka The Basket, comes from an animation studio in India. The film is about a young girl who decides to make baskets and sell them on the street in Mumbai in hopes of making money so she can repair her father's broken pocket watch. Featuring a music selection of Bollywood songs. Animation filmmaker Suresh Eriyat was inspired after he had an encounter with a basket seller and shooed her away, only to think later about how he doesn't know what her life is or why she needs a bit of money for peace at home. Hand-made stop-motion animation is always nice to see. "Suresh wished to revive the popularity of clay animation through this film. Although clay animation is known to be a painstaking process… it's an art that gives life to inanimate objects, bringing with it an energy on screen that shines through, one frame at a time." A lovely father-daughter story that challenges us to think about other people's lives in a way we might not think of at first. View the film below. ›››
Continue Reading Watch: Stop-Motion Animated Short Film 'The Basket' Set in Mumbai
from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/3eiaK74
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