Annabelle Dexter-Jones Fights to Survive in Trailer for 'Ravage' Horror

Ravage Trailer

"They're watiing for you." Brainstorm Media has debuted the first trailer for an indie horror titled Ravage, which seems to be inspired by The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. This first premiered at the GenreBlast Film Festival last year and hit a number of other genre festivals including Screamfest, Horrible Imaginings, and Dead by Dawn. The last old growth forest on the Eastern Seaboard - a place far removed from civilization. Harper Sykes finds herself a witness to something she doesn't understand. Now they want to kill her. Will she become like them in order to survive? Or become something even worse? Starring Annabelle Dexter-Jones as a nature photographer who fights her way out of the woods when strange culprits capture her. The cast includes Bruce Dern, Eric Nelsen, Joshua Brady, and Robert Longstreet. This looks terrifying. ›››

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