Official Trailer for Turkish Retirement Home Doc 'Distant Constellation'

Distant Constellation Trailer

"You sure there are aliens out there?" "Yes." Grasshopper Films has released an official trailer for a peculiar little documentary titled Distant Constellation, the feature debut of filmmaker/camerawoman Shevaun Mizrahi. This film has been playing at numerous film festivals all of last year and this year. It's described as a "Tarkovskian dream-like landscape", focusing on "the inhabitants of a Turkish retirement home where pranksters, artists and old casanovas seduce us to confront the true nature of time." Well that sounds quite mesmerizing, and this trailer gives us a good look at a bit of that. I enjoy how quirky and playful this seems, yet it's also very wise and profound in its examination of humanity and our life experiences on this planet. ›››

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