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Dance Along with the Closing Credits Dance Scene from 'White Noise'

White Noise Trailer

Let's dance!! Netflix has finally released Noah Baumbach's new film White Noise for streaming on Netflix today, after playing in select theaters for the last month. One of the best scenes in the film is actually at the end of the film - the credits play over a dance scene that takes place inside of a big American supermarket. It's a reference to all of the mindless consumerism commentary stuffed into the film, based on Don DeLillo's book of the same name. Netflix has released the scene online for everyone to enjoy, in hopes of getting more people to watch now that it's on Netflix. Wes Anderson's iconic stop-motion film Fantastic Mr. Fox also features a stellar dance scene finale in a supermarket at the end. This dance scene in White Noise is set to the song "New Body Rhumba" by LCD Soundsystem, and it includes the entire cast (Adam Driver and Greta Gerwig and Don Cheadle) from the film dancing in the aisles and buying products. Have a look and listen below, and have a dance while at it. There's no better way to ring in the New Year than with dancing. ›››

View the Post: Dance Along with the Closing Credits Dance Scene from 'White Noise'

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/xD30Lk5

Check This Out: A Beautifully Illustrated List of the Best Films of 2022

A Beautifully Illustrated List of the Best Films of 2022

"The moment you said you loved me, your love had to end. The moment your love ended, my love began." Another year has come to an end, which means it's time to look back at the best films released over the last 12 months. Artist James Chapman, based in Manchester, UK, has just published his Top 20 Films of 2022 list on Twitter - by drawing a cute little illustration for each & every favorite film. I've been an avid follower of Chapman for a few years already (this isn't the first time he's done this) and I am a big fan of his artistic style. He draws and colors images in a little notepad and includes the pens & markers in the shot every time. I just think it's adorable to see all these unique illustration for all of these films - many of them are my faves, too (Decision to Leave and Everything Everywhere All at Once are in my Top 10). He created 23 images in total, and I've included the Top 12 films below to peruse. Click back over to his Twitter to see his entire list. ›››

View the Post: Check This Out: A Beautifully Illustrated List of the Best Films of 2022

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/iQta51s

Watch: Sleepy Skunk's 2022 Movie Trailer Mashup Recap of the Year

2022 Movie Trailer Mashup

"Now… the nightmare begins." Let's take a look back! It's time for an emotional look back at all the movies from 20221. Our longtime friend the "Sleepy Skunk" has debuted his annual end-of-the-year recap video - the 2022 Movie Trailer Mashup - utilizing footage from every major movie trailer released throughout 2022 edited together to make you smile and get all mushy. Louis, who makes this mashup every year, puts a lot of time and effort into making sure this plays perfectly. I'm happy to see clips in this from Petite Maman, Turning Red, Marcel the Shell, Close, The Sea Beast, Belle, and Athena, among others. Though it has such a dark start this year! But it brightens up by the end. View below and enjoy this magnificent 2022 video recap. ›››

View the Post: Watch: Sleepy Skunk's 2022 Movie Trailer Mashup Recap of the Year

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/DkpvBqS

Watch: Journey Through History in 'A Brief Disagreement' Short Film

A Brief Disagreement Short Film

Let! Them! Fight! Or maybe don't let them fight? Do we really need to keep fighting over some shiny rocks? Forever and ever? I guess so. This fantastic animated short film called A Brief Disagreement is made by the very talented animation filmmaker Steve Cutts. It's a 3-minute animated short described as "a visual journey into mankind's favourite pastime throughout the ages." Meaning - humanity's love of fighting each other, beating each other up, conquering each other, all so they can have more land/things/money/property than the other. It's so accurate and so realistic it's painful. But I love the animation in this, all the grunting and punching is hilarious with these two big guys duking it out. So many great battles throughout history covered in barely 120 seconds! Incredible work from Steve. Will we ever stop all the fighting? Probably not… ›››

View the Post: Watch: Journey Through History in 'A Brief Disagreement' Short Film

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/YCEaqeo

Behind-the-Scenes Videos for Cameron's 'Avatar: The Way of Water'

Avatar: The Way of Water Behind-the-Scenes

"The technology gives me that portal to bring my 14-year-old self to play this girl."Sigourney Weaver. Get a glimpse at how they made this epic sci-fi spectacle! A few new behind-the-scenes videos with fresh footage from the making of Avatar: The Way of Water have finally appeared online. I've been waiting to see this footage, as I really enjoy watching the performance capture studio work. Director James Cameron started filming Avatar 2 back in 2017 (!!) and finished in 2018, moving right into filming Avatar 3 which shot from 2019 to 2020 (and is currently set for release in 2024). The production on these Avatar sequels involved both performance capture studios and live-action sets, utilizing water tanks and pools for many of the underwater scenes. As we already know, Cameron has extensive experience using water tanks in his big movies previously (mainly for The Abyss and Titanic). I wish there was more footage, they seem to be hiding most of the behind-the-scenes for now. I just think all of this is so cool, I even enjoy watching them in the grey suits with dots on their faces. I'm glad a few featurettes have been released so far - check ’em out below. ›››

View the Post: Behind-the-Scenes Videos for Cameron's 'Avatar: The Way of Water'

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/yOlb7pI

New Trailer for Swedish Artist Biopic Film 'Hilma' About Hilma af Klint

Hilma Biopic Trailer

"We can still trust in the presence of the spirits. They surround us, and are always willing to communicate with us." Juno Films in the US has revealed a new official trailer for a biopic film called Hilma, made by director Lasse Hallström. It's a Swedish film but most of it is in English anyway. We also posted a trailer a few months ago for it UK release. It will open starting in April in the US. The film explores the incredible life of Swedish artist Hilma af Klint, who is now widely recognized as one of the Western world's first abstract artists. A story about an unwavering search for the truth about humanity and the universe at a time when men made all the rules.Exploring the enigmatic life of Hilma af Klint (1862-1944), whose unconventional and highly spiritual art remained fairly unknown for decades. Starring Lena Olin, Lily Cole, and Tora Hallström, along with "Game of Thrones'" Tom Wlaschiha and "Mr. Robot's" Martin Wallström. This looks like a really beautiful film about the life of an artist, and how she persevered despite all the challenges. ›››

View the Post: New Trailer for Swedish Artist Biopic Film 'Hilma' About Hilma af Klint

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/X8n3qWD

Official US Trailer for Amusing Dog Movie 'Róise & Frank' from Ireland

Róise & Frank Trailer

"The mighty hurling hound!" Juno Films has revealed an official US trailer for an indie drama from Ireland titled Róise & Frank, arriving in the US for viewing at the end of March in 2023. This dog movie is about a woman who believes her dog is her dead husband. A widow who has given up on life becomes convinced that a stray dog is the reincarnation of her Hurling-loving husband. "He has come back to be with her again… and to coach the local sports team." Ha. Bríd Ní Neachtain stars as Róise, with Cillian O'Gairbhi, Lorcan Cranitch, Ruadhán de Faoite, and Michelle Beamish. This looks really sweet and wholesome, the dog looks entirely convincing in a realistic way where I can't tell if he really is her dead husband or just a very friendly pooch. I think I need to watch this film! Early reviews are all positive so far. Take a look below. ›››

View the Post: Official US Trailer for Amusing Dog Movie 'Róise & Frank' from Ireland

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/pzs6CfQ

First Teaser for Disney+'s Stan Lee Documentary - Arriving in 2023

Stan Lee Doc Teaser

"Excelsior!!" Disney has revealed an announcement teaser trailer for a new Stan Lee documentary titled, well, Stan Lee of course. Everyone already knows and loves comic book mastermind Stan Lee, who passed away in 2018. He would've been 100 years old this week, hence the reveal of this trailer. His legacy still lives on and he still makes appearances, popping up digitally in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. There's no details on what exactly the Stan Lee doc will cover, aside from examining his early life in comics and later his iconic role as the comic book hero who has appeared in every single Marvel Cinematic Universe movie as a cameo. There's also a 2010 movie about Stan Lee, called With Great Power: The Stan Lee Story, which is available to watch for free on Crackle and Pluto TV. I just hope they don't try to digitally recreate him for centuries using his likeness, but they probably will. We'll update with the final trailer when it lands in 2023. ›››

View the Post: First Teaser for Disney+'s Stan Lee Documentary - Arriving in 2023

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/0JN18a5

How Aronofsky's 'The Whale' is an Empowering Story About Honesty

The Whale - Honesty

There's a value that seems to be becoming rarer and rare these days - honesty. Yes, it's scary, yes, it can be painful, but it's a necessary and important part of humanity. They even make fun of this in Interstellar, with TARS making a joke about how his honesty setting is too high because, "Absolute honesty isn't always the most diplomatic nor the safest form of communication with emotional beings." One of my Top 10 films of the year is Darren Aronofsky's The Whale, which I already reviewed out of the Venice Film Festival a few months ago. I recently watched the film again for a second time and it really struck me even more this time around - The Whale is about honesty above all else. It's not really about being fat or the struggles of being overweight, it's about depression and disconnection and how being dishonest put everyone in the situation they're in at this moment. The film is about an obese man named Charlie who attempts to reconnect with his daughter over the course of a week, with a very emotional finale where he literally yells about being honest. ›››

View the Post: How Aronofsky's 'The Whale' is an Empowering Story About Honesty

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/vJm8Hey

Enjoy: Video Blog Discusses '7 Classic Movies That Changed My Life'

7 Classic Movies That Changed My Life Video

Let's get into some classics! There's always room for more discussion about classic cinema, something which we don't talk about enough here on FS. This video blog is made by a movie lover named Miriam Figueras originally from Barcelona, who runs a blog called "Cine Gratia Cinema" (in English), where she creates videos about and discusses many of her favorite films from the old days. It's "a place to expand the love for #ClassicFilms and #OldHollywood and to have fun while doing it. This is my little corner where I can share all the knowledge for the cinema I love." In this video, she discusses 7 Classic Movies That Changed My Life. It's always enjoyable to listen to cinephiles talk about the movies they love, but this is also a chance to encourage modern movie geeks to catch up with these classics. She talks about how they "ignited different interests and made me learn more about myself and those around me." Have you seen all the films in here? ›››

View the Post: Enjoy: Video Blog Discusses '7 Classic Movies That Changed My Life'

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/RtsodjJ

New Behind-the-Scenes Video for 'Emancipation' on Building the World

Emancipation Behind-the-Scenes

"I am completely motivated by the way that the story is going to be received by the world. But I measure my own success on whether it shoots well." Apple has revealed yet another new behind-the-scenes look at Emancipation, which is now available to watch streaming on Apple TV+ after playing in limited theaters. The survival film stars Will Smith as Peter, a runaway slave who forges through the swamps of Louisiana on a tortuous journey to escape plantation owners that nearly killed him. Based on a true story - it's inspired by the 1863 photos of "Whipped Peter," taken during a Union Army medical examination. This video focuses on the production – spending time with director Antoine Fuqua, cinematographer Robert Richardson (who also shot Tarantino's Django Unchained & Once Upon a Time in Hollywood), and production designer Naomi Shohan who built some incredible sets for this movie. It seems they're hoping all this attention will bring them awards nominations and extra views on Apple TV+, but I just don't know if anyone wants to watch this movie anymore. That said, I love visiting sets and listening to these artists talk about their work. ›››

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from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/5LWe0v9

First Chinese Trailer for Zhang Yimou's Next New Film 'Full River Red'

Full River Red Trailer

An early promo trailer from China has debuted for the latest film from acclaimed Chinese filmmaker Zhang Yimou, who has been making at least one new film every year even during the pandemic (One Second, Cliff Walkers, Snipers). Yimou's latest is a historical epic thrilelr titled Full River Red, which seems to be a commentary on Communism and China. The title of his latest film comes from a poem about Yue Fei, "a military general during the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279), well-known for his patriotism and loyalty to his country, who was framed and executed by Prime Minister Qin Hui, one of the most treacherous officials in China's history." Mao Zedong wrote a poem about him and the film is about Yue Fei fighting the invading Jürchen barbarians. Only a few details are known at this time. Yi Yang Qianxi stars along with Shen Teng, Yue Yunpeng, Zhang Yi, and Lei Jiayin. This has some slick long takes in it, following soldiers around a castle complex to see who's still alive after an attack. We'll definitely be keeping an eye out for this. ›››

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from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/rVektzX

Official Trailer for Video Game Adaptation 'ARK: The Animated Series'

ARK: The Animated Series Trailer

"Fight to free all those whose names you do not know and may never know." Lex + Otis / Studio Wildcard have revealed the first full trailer for ARK: The Animated Series, an adaptation of the popular video game from 2017. The is a full-on, 4-minute long trailer that covers the backstory before diving into the main adventure. The story follows Helena Walker after her awakening on The Island - a mysterious primeval land full of dinosaurs and ancient creatures. Madeleine Madden voices Helena, a 21st century paleontologist who finds herself stuck there after washing up. They found an incredible voice cast: Tatanka Means, Michelle Yeoh, Elliot Page, Gerard Butler, David Tennant, Karl Urban, Monica Bellucci, Russell Crowe, Alan Tudyk, Vin Diesel, Malcolm McDowell, Zahn McClarnon, and Jeffrey Wright. How did they get all of these people?! This seems to be following in the footsteps of Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal series. Mainly because this looks awesome and it's such a nifty trailer, we're featuring it because it's worth a look. ›››

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Another 'First Look' Preview for Doll Horror 'M3GAN' in Theaters Soon

M3GAN First Look Trailer

"We're not that far from something like M3gan existing. And that's pretty unsettling." Universal debuted another "First Look" sneak preview for M3GAN, the fun horror movie arriving in theaters in January. Only a few weeks left until she's here!! From the most prolific minds in horror—James Wan, behind the Saw, Insidious and The Conjuring franchises, and Blumhouse, the producer of the Halloween films, The Black Phone and The Invisible Man—comes a fresh new face in terror. A robotics engineer at a toy company builds a life-like A.I. doll that begins to take on a life of its own. Starring Allison Williams, Violet McGraw, Ronny Chieng, Brian Jordan Alvarez, Jen Van Epps, Lori Dungey, Stephane Garneau-Monten, plus Amie Donald as M3GAN and Jenna Davis as the voice. This tease has brief clips of interviews with James Wan, Jason Blum, and director Gerard Johnstone. And there's some flashy editing to make it look extra freaky. I'm in!! It seems like a very enjoyable way to kick off a New Year of movies. Opens January 6th. ›››

View the Post: Another 'First Look' Preview for Doll Horror 'M3GAN' in Theaters Soon

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/ytJEgG4

Teaser Trailer for Doc Series 'Dear Mama' About Afeni & Tupac Shakur

Dear Mama Doc Teaser

"It was my responsibility to teach Tupac how to survive his reality." FX has unveiled a teaser for their new doc series titled Dear Mama, which will be out on Hulu in early 2023. The series is about the relationship between musician Tupac Shakur and his indomitable mother, Afeni Shakur, who was a Black Panther. The story told in the upcoming series, other than being an exploration of two significant figures in American history, is also a reflection of our own times. Dear Mama comes from the rapper's 1995 hit song. The song explores his relationship with his mom and serves as a tribute to all of the hardships she went through in having and raising him. The song also addresses her struggle with drug addictions, which led to hardships in both of their lives. Tupac was killed in a drive-by shooting in Las Vegas in 1996, only the year after releasing Dear Mama, and Afeni Shakur passed away in 2016 after carrying on his legacy for all these years. This is a short first look teaser, but it's a nice reminder to keep an eye out for this series when it debuts in 2023 soon. ›››

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from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/dLo1Bnb

'Running with Speed' Doc Trailer About Speedrunning Video Games

Running with Speed Doc Film

"You start asking yourself: 'why am I doing this?'" Good Deed Ent. has revealed an official trailer for a documentary film titled Running with Speed, available to watch on VOD in early January - starting next week. The film is actually a full 2 and 1/2 hours long, as it's a combined cut of a docu series about these gamers. Narrated by "Summoning Salt" (on YT @SummoningSalt), Running with Speed is the definitive documentary on the video game speedrunning phenomenon. It tells the fascinating story of how the most dedicated and ingenious video game players in the world compete to set the fastest records of all time, and how they unite at an annual event called Games Done Quick to raise millions of dollars to fight cancer. It's just a very nerdy story about how hardcore gamers have helped turn this small, geeky thing into something more meaningful and empowering. I enjoy the trippy neon graphics used in this trailer, more of that please. ›››

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from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/UhRQajs

First Look Teaser for Anthology Horror Film 'Nightmare at Precinct 84'

Nightmare at Precinct 84 Trailer

"What are your secrets, Sheriff?" Dark Cuts Label has revealed an early teaser trailer for an indie anthology horror film called Nightmare at Precinct 84. This is set to arrive sometime in early 2023, but because the film is set on Christmas Eve, they're dropping the first look trailer now in connection with the holiday weekend. This anthology thriller features four segments set around a police precinct. Set on a stormy night on Christmas Eve, a small town female sheriff, who secretly is a serial killer, gets a visit from a mysterious woman who tells four bizarre stories. The cast features Meredith Thomas as Sheriff Hudson, along with Jill Awbrey and Gigi Gustin. I guess this killer sheriff isn't the scariest part about it, as you'll see below. There's a few glimpses of the four stories in this and they do look quite creepy. Worth a look for horror fans. ›››

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from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/Ig7ncS5

Watch: Mav Trains Reindeer in 'Top Gun: Yuletide - Christmas Mission'

Top Gun: Yuletide - Christmas Mission

"Trust your instincts! You think up there, you're dead." Lock 'n load, Mav, it's time to deliver the presents! Nerdist made a fun mashup video called Top Gun: Yuletide - The Christmas Mission for the holidays. Inspired by a tweet from actor Glen Powell, they took footage from Top Gun: Maverick and combined it with footage from the Santa Clause movies to create this "Yuletide" special. It features Maverick taking on the great challenge of wrangling the reindeer and "flying" the Santa sleigh to help deliver all of the presents on Christmas Eve. I was hoping for more full-on CGI footage of Maverick flying the Sleigh, but it's just some creative editing to make it all work. Nonetheless this is super entertaining and funny and really captures the ridiculous vibe of the "What if Maverick but reindeer instead of fighter jets?" pitch. By now, everyone knows that Top Gun: Maverick is the biggest Hollywood hit of the year and will likely land Oscar noms, too. Enjoy. ›››

View the Post: Watch: Mav Trains Reindeer in 'Top Gun: Yuletide - Christmas Mission'

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/sQpuRNS

Second Trailer for Shyamalan's Apocalyptic Thriller 'Knock at the Cabin'

Knock at the Cabin Trailer

"I saw something – there was something in the light… And I feel it now." Merry Christmas from M. Night Shyamlan! Universal revealed the second trailer for the new Shyamalan thriller titled Knock at the Cabin. This looks damn good! And what an enticing trailer, not holding back on the apocalyptic elements anymore. It's based on a book by Paul Tremblay, about a family who is told the apocalypse is coming and they must "make an unthinkable choice" but they have no connection to the outside world and can't tell if it's all real or not. Maybe it isn't? But maybe it is? While vacationing, a girl and her parents are taken hostage by armed strangers who demand that the family make a decision to avert the end of all humanity. Knock at the Cabin stars Dave Bautista, Jonathan Groff, Ben Aldridge, Nikki Amuka-Bird, newcomer Kristen Cui, Abby Quinn, and Rupert Grint. I don't need to see any more footage than this, I'm completely sold! Very curious to find out what's going on and if it's actually real or just a trick or what?! Scary! Take a look below. ›››

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Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays from FirstShowing's Movie Lovers

Christmas 2022 on FirstShowing

Joyeux Noel! Gledelig Jul! Frohe Weihnachten! Mele Kalikimaka! From all of us at FirstShowing.net, we want to wish every one our readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays! Whether you're in hanging out at home alone, spending the time with family or friends, or just with your partner; or whether it's snowing or sunny where you are, we hope you have a lovely weekend full of relaxation and warmth and smiles. Despite all the turmoil and troubles throughout this year, movies have still kept us entertained and excited. Thanks for reading and thanks for following FS throughout this year. I'm happy we've still been able to celebrate great movies in 2022 - Avatar: The Way of Water (finally here after 13 years of waiting), Top Gun: Maverick, Everything Everywhere All at Once, The Northman, Nope, Bullet Train, Barbarian, Moonage Daydream, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, The Menu, The Fabelmans, Glass Onion + more. Stay safe, movie lovers. News and trailers always slow down during the holidays, but we'll be operating at full-speed again once it is 2023. Keep an eye out for a few more updates leading us right into the New Year. ›››

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Take Just a Few Minutes to Watch - Our Favorite Shorts from 2022

Our Favorite Shorts from 2022

Please watch more short films! FirstShowing has proudly supported and promoted short films for more than 10 years. We love shorts! Many of the very talented filmmakers working today got their start in Hollywood by launching with a short (e.g. Wes Ball with Ruin / Dan Trachtenberg with Portal: No Escape). As a year end recap looking back at 2022, I've listed 14 of my favorite short films below to give them some extra attention. Each one of these shots is embedded directly in the post via YouTube and they're worth a watch. All of them! Whichever one catches your eye, just click play and enjoy. Shorts are amazing because you can do anything - animation, sci-fi, musical, comedy, whatever comes to mind. From an awesome mashup like Uncharted vs Tomb Raider vs Indiana Jones to a lovely tribute with Volcano Pilot to an inspiring doc like Joe Buffalo to an amusing made-at-home sci-fi comedy like Black Hole. The creativity is off the charts! And they're a reminder a good story or a good idea can be impactful even within just a few minutes. ›››

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Watch: Fritz Lang's 1927 Classic 'Metropolis' Colorized in 4K Quality

Metropolis 4K Colorized

There's a huge debate about A.I. in the art world right now. Most often it is exploiting existing art made by talented people, but sometimes it can produce some interesting results. This colorized 4K video is created by A.I. and gives this classic B&W silent film an entirely new look and feel. Metropolis is beloved as one of the most iconic science fiction films in cinema history. Originally from 1927, made by German master Fritz Lang, it has been updated numerous times and is still showing on the big screen in repertory cinemas. This version is by a YouTube channel called "XIXbacktolife" - "new editions, restored, colorized and enhanced using traditional editing techniques complemented by the most recent advances in A.I. applied to video and sound processing." Don't forget that even George Méliès used colorizing tricks similar to what's seen in this Metropolis video, so this isn't changing it entirely as much as enhancing the filmmaking. Check it out below. ›››

View the Post: Watch: Fritz Lang's 1927 Classic 'Metropolis' Colorized in 4K Quality

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/Nxubp1A

Full Trailer for Time Travel Heist Sci-Fi Indie Film 'The Tomorrow Job'

The Tomorrow Job

"I steal info from tomorrow and bring it back to today." Epic has revealed the trailer for The Tomorrow Job, an indie sci-fi thriller from filmmaker Bruce Wemple - his seventh feature and most ambitious project. This premiered at the 2022 Other Worlds Film Festival and will be out to watch on VOD soon in January. This heist time travel film follows a team of thieves that use a drug that allows them to trade minds with their future-selves in order to steal tomorrow's secrets. How's that for a crazy cool sci-fi film pitch?! When interrupted on a job the team must fix their past mistakes to prevent disastrous consequences. "A dynamic mix of genres, The Tomorrow Job is a high-stakes sci-fi action-adventure epic with heart, humor, and fun, and an ode to beloved heist comedies of the past." Starring Grant Schumacher, Caitlin Duffy, Ariella Mastroianni, and Chris Cimperman. This looks a bit skimpy, rough around the edges, but it might still be worth a watch. I dig the unconventional purple & green color choices (different from Nolan's blue & red). ›››

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from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/beCluMR

Watch: 'An Overlooked Movie About Movies' Video Essay for 'Matinee'

Matinee - Video Essay

"Matinee is almost like a thesis on the way that we turn to movies to process on our fears, and about the value of even the junkiest of schlock." Have you seen this movie? If you haven't yet, and you're here reading FirstShowing, then you must find it and watch it tonight. This video essay is the latest from editor Andrew Saladino, who has an entire essay collection called "The Royal Ocean Film Society" - check him out on YT. It's a tribute to the movie Matinee, an underrated and underseen 1993 comedy directed by Joe Dante a few years after he made The 'Burbs and Gremlins 2. It's about a small-time film promoter who releases a kitschy horror film during the Cuban Missile Crisis, set at a junky old movie palace. John Goodman stars as a filmmaker named Lawrence Woolsey, who is pretty much a version of the real William Castle. For some reason Matinee has ended up lost in time and most forgotten, but it's being rediscovered and re-appraised recently and this video essay does a terrific job of analyzing it. Hopefully this convinces a few more to watch. ›››

View the Post: Watch: 'An Overlooked Movie About Movies' Video Essay for 'Matinee'

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/Gk5nZ8R

Review: Superb Doc 'Wildcat' Takes Us on a Journey of Love & Healing

Wildcat Review

Two of the best documentaries of 2022 are films set in the jungles of South America. The first is a doc from Sundance 2022 called The Territory (read my review), about a tribe of Natives defending their land from invading "farmers" in Brazil who are coming in and slashing/burning the rainforest they live in. The second one, titled Wildcat, initially premiered at the Telluride Film Festival and is launching on Amazon Prime Video for viewing at the end of December this year. Wildcat is co-directed by filmmakers Trevor Frost and Melissa Lesh and it's a beautiful little film about the relationship between a wild ocelot being rescued in the jungles of Peru, and a young Australian man struggling to deal with intense PTSD and depression. In both films, the big bad villain is capitalism and humans addicted to taking resources without any care or concern for Mother Nature or the land they're stealing the resources from. They're evil bastards, every one of them. ›››

View the Post: Review: Superb Doc 'Wildcat' Takes Us on a Journey of Love & Healing

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First Look Teaser for Robot Sci-Fi Film 'JUNG_E' from Sang-ho Yeon

JUNG_E Teaser Trailer

"The release of Kronoid Lab's most advanced A.I. combat warrior." Netflix has revealed a teaser trailer for a sci-fi film debuting in January 2023. It's the latest project from Train to Busan director Sang-ho Yeon, who followed up his zombie hit with the sequel Peninsula and the Netflix streaming series Hellbound just last year. Set in the 22nd century, climate change has caused the entire planet to become uninhabitable and humans live within a man-made shelter. A civil war breaks out within the shelter. Jung Yi is the elite leader of the allied forces and a legendary mercenary. She becomes the subject of a brain cloning experiment. The cloning experiment is a potential key to win the war. Starring Kang Soo-yeonKim Hyun-joo, and Ryu Kyung-soo. It's the final performance from Kang Soo-yeon as she sadly passed away earlier in 2022. This teaser almost plays like the opening to Ghost in the Shell, putting together an android. I'm in! The futuristic world this is set in looks stunning, though always a bit sad to see that humans failed to stop climate change. ›››

View the Post: First Look Teaser for Robot Sci-Fi Film 'JUNG_E' from Sang-ho Yeon

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/yARXO2Y

US Trailer for Bloody, Hyper Violent Korean Film 'Project Wolf Hunting'

Project Wolf Hunting Trailer

"If this isn't hell… I don't know what is." This looks extra crazy!! Well Go USA has already released this Korean action film in theaters a few months back, but we're just catching up with it now before its upcoming VOD / Blu-ray release in February. Project Wolf Hunting is written and directed by Hong-seon Kim, and it first premiered at the Toronto Film Festival a few months ago, opening in theaters in the US in October. The gory, hyper violent, extremely bloody action film follows dangerous criminals on a cargo ship who are being transported from the Philippines to South Korea, as they unleash a sinister force after an escape attempt leads to a riot. The cast features Seo In-guk, Jang Dong-yoon, Sung Dong-il, & Jung So-min. If this trailer doesn't get your attention, the reviews say: "Project Wolf Hunting is pure insanity! A bloody horrific rollercoaster ride! In the vein of Con-Air mixed with The Raid & a lot of mayhem." Yeah this definitely looks totally nuts! This mega warrior almost seems like a man-made Predator - beast mode my goodness. Check it. ›››

View the Post: US Trailer for Bloody, Hyper Violent Korean Film 'Project Wolf Hunting'

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/ctl7VnK

New Trailer for 4K Restoration of Jean Renoir's 'The Rules of the Game'

The Rules of the Game Trailer

"Let the game begin." Janus Films has revealed a brand new trailer for the 4K restoration and re-release of the Jean Renoir 1939 classic The Rules of the Game, considered one of the best films ever made despite opening to very negative reviews. The film depicts members of upper-class French society and their servants just before the beginning of World War II, showing their moral callousness on the eve of destruction. At la Colinière, the deceptively idyllic country estate of a wealthy Parisian aristocrat, a selection of society’s finest gather for a rural sojourn and shooting party, and reveal themselves to be absurdly, almost primitively, cruel and vapid. Starring Nora Gregor, Paulette Dubost, Mila Parély, Marcel Dalio, Julien Carette, Roland Toutain, Gaston Modot, and Pierre Magnier. The film received terribly negative reviews and even provoked near riots in Paris upon its initial release. As a result, Renoir cut 23 minutes from the film at the time. The original negative was subsequently destroyed during World War II, and only in 1959 was the film fully reconstructed from surviving prints and embraced by audiences and critics alike. This 4K digital re-release will hit theaters in the US in December, and it's also available on Criterion Blu-ray. Have a look. ›››

View the Post: New Trailer for 4K Restoration of Jean Renoir's 'The Rules of the Game'

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/3pJbVox

A Taste of What's Next - HBO Max's 'Coming Soon In 2023' Preview

Coming Soon In 2023 Preview

"You have so much to look forward to." HBO Max has dropped this 2023 preview on YouTube just in time for the holidays. It's a preview of their latest series offerings coming up next year - no movies, this is all for television. HBO Max released today a new brand spot featuring highly anticipated HBO and Max Originals coming to the platform in 2023. We've covered a few of these new series already, including The Last of Us, White House Plumbers, The Idol, and the Lakers series Winning Time. It also features first looks at the next seasons of True Detective: Night Country, directed by Issa López, Full Circle, Love and Death, Our Flags Mean Death, Hacks, and quite a few others. The promo is titled "Coming Soon In 2023" though it doesn't include any original films or HBO Max movies sent over from Warner Bros. Either way, it still does look like they've got plenty of good series to watch next year. Let's hope The Last of Us lives up to its potential. I'm curious to find out what Levinson's The Idol is all about, and White House Plumbers seems like political fun. ›››

View the Post: A Taste of What's Next - HBO Max's 'Coming Soon In 2023' Preview

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/YCLRjJP

Watch: Short Doc 'The Originals' About Growing Up in 70s Brooklyn

The Originals Short Film

"We basically look the same - but in different shapes." This fantastic short documentary film is actually an animated story about a group of kids growing up "on the block" in Brooklyn in the 1970s. The Originals is a 10-minute short produced by and released by The New Yorker magazine - available to watch online (view below). It's made by the director of the doc films Science Fair, Mucho Mucho Amor, and Own the Room. In this short, "Matty Square" Ruggiero and his childhood friends, the Union Street Boys, tell their story of what it was like to grow up in South Brooklyn, where money was tight but friendships were tighter. It's a classic throwback to the "heyday" of Brooklyn, with the neighborhood watching over, even though they go on to say how violent it was then. The animation adds another layer to the storytelling, because they can't recreate these scenes with real people, but this paper characters style has its own charm. It's worth a watch - enjoy. ›››

View the Post: Watch: Short Doc 'The Originals' About Growing Up in 70s Brooklyn

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/kjycUf9

Michelle Monaghan in Full Trailer for Vampire Infection Thriller 'Blood'

Blood Trailer

"My son is very sick… something got inside of him." Vertical Entertainment has revealed an official trailer for a mysterious new thriller titled simply Blood, which is an extremely generic name for a film about an infection. This is the latest from filmmaker Brad Anderson (of The Machinist, Transsiberian, The Call), who has been out making TV series for the past few years before this. After her marriage breaks up, Jess moves her two children back to her childhood home farmhouse where their lives quickly deteriorate into terror after the family dog bites her son. Giving him a horrific infection, Jess's morals are tested when the only cure to keep her son alive is deadly. Obviously he's a vampire kid, no mystery there. Michelle Monaghan stars as Jess, along with Finlay Wojtak-Hisson, Skylar Morgan Jones, Danika Frederick, June B. Wilde, and Skeet Ulrich (as her ex husband). This almost looks like a reinvention of Let the Right One In, with a kid turning into a bloodsucker and mom protecting him by helping find him blood to keep him alive. ›››

View the Post: Michelle Monaghan in Full Trailer for Vampire Infection Thriller 'Blood'

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/o9pt34s

'Something in the Design' - Our 10 Favorite Movie Posters from 2022

Our 10 Favorite Movie Poster Designs of 2022

With the year almost over, it's time to look back and highlight some favorites from the world of movies. Our writer Ethan Anderton used to publish his list of the Best Official Movie Posters, but I'm taking over and will return to highlighting some of my favorite designs. Below is my personal selection of 10 Favorite Movie Posters from 2022. These aren't necessarily the "best" rather they're my own favorites that stuck with me. I'm not as much a fan of minimalism (like many of my designer colleagues) as I am a fan of striking imagery - using visuals to convey a feeling, a vibe, a message. It's not only about aesthetic, as it is how you position and place the images to tell a story. This is easier said than done, because you can't just slap a character on the poster and call it today (this happens way too often). These 10 posters stuck with me as compelling, eye-catching, creative designs that really make me want to watch every one of the films. Check them out below. ›››

View the Post: 'Something in the Design' - Our 10 Favorite Movie Posters from 2022

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Avan Jogia's Stylish, Punk Neo-Noir Film 'Door Mouse' Official Trailer

Door Mouse Trailer

"You're looking down deep wells, little door mouse, asking dangerous questions." Keep asking, and keep digging!! Gravitas Ventures has revealed the official trailer for a super-stylish neo-noir thriller titled Door Mouse, marking the feature directorial debut of Canadian actor Avan Jogia. This already premiered at the Toronto Film Festival a few months ago and it arrives on VOD in January to watch in the US. A comic-book creator (played by Hayley Law from "Riverdale" and Mark, Mary & Some Other People) who works at a burlesque club enlists the help of a friend to figure out what’s behind the disappearances of young women in their circle in this stylish neo-noir. This also stars Keith Powers, Donal Logue, and Famke Janssen. This looks crazy cool!! Digging the style, the mysterious noir vibe with great one-liners, and the story about a comic book artist / dancer getting revenge on the people killing her dance coworkers. Takin' out the trash. ›››

View the Post: Avan Jogia's Stylish, Punk Neo-Noir Film 'Door Mouse' Official Trailer

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/kLDP5iN

Trilogy Finale 'Detective Knight: Independence' Trailer with Bruce Willis

Detective Knight: Independence Trailer

"We justice fails, in Knight we trust." Lionsgate has revealed one more trailer for the final film in this action thriller trilogy - this one is called Detective Knight: Independence, from filmmaker Edward Drake. This is the third and final film in the Detective Knight series, all featuring Willis as a Detective. I keep hoping all these bad Bruce Willis movies are done, considering his health, but nope there's always more. Bruce Willis stars as Detective James Knight in this final, tense chapter of the trilogy. Knight's last-minute assignment to the Independence Day shift turns into a race to stop an unbalanced ambulance EMT from ruining the day. The misguided vigilante, playing cop with a stolen gun and uniform, has a bank vault full of reasons to put on his own fireworks show… one that will strike dangerously close to Knight’s home. The cast also includes Jack Kilmer, Lochlyn Munro, Jimmy Jean-Louis, Willow Shields, Dina Meyer, Timothy V. Murphy. Opens in theaters and for watching on VOD in January in a few more weeks. Is anyone out there actually into these? ›››

View the Post: Trilogy Finale 'Detective Knight: Independence' Trailer with Bruce Willis

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/BACjZvR

Watch: Gnarly Cyberpunk Thriller Animated Sci-Fi Short 'PostHuman'

PostHuman Sci-Fi Short

"You think you're so smart? I'm Terrence, I'm righteous, assholes." Who's in need of some killer cyberpunk animation?! This short film titled PostHuman first premiered way back in 2012, playing at numerous film festivals before eventually landing online. It's under 5 minutes and it's definitely worth a watch. We're only now catching up with it all these years later and more than happy to feature it now. A genius hacker and his dog help an enigmatic young woman to free the remaining test subjects of a black ops ESP test lab. Directed by Cole Drumb, the short features the voices of Tricia Helfer as Kali and Ulric Dihle as Terrence. "Gritty, hyperstylized, and dripping with intense images, PostHuman is NSFW, for children, or adults with no sense of adventure." This reminds me of Akira and Ghost in the Shell, with the same kind of animation style and hacker vibes. It's just too short! It's over before you know it. When do we get more of Terrence and his dog? ›››

View the Post: Watch: Gnarly Cyberpunk Thriller Animated Sci-Fi Short 'PostHuman'

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/xwy4lWf

Heartfelt Documentary Film 'My Father Muhammad Ali' Official Trailer

My Father Muhammad Ali Trailer

"I don't want you to be like me, I want you to be better than me." VMI Worldwide + Verdi have revealed an official trailer for a documentary film titled My Father Muhammad Ali, a profile of the world famous boxer and his son. This is opening in theaters in January and will also be out on VOD for everyone to watch. This doc films tells the story of champion boxer Muhammad Ali through the eyes of his only biological son, named Muhammad Ali Jr, who appears in this to discuss his father's legacy and his own life. Muhammad Jr struggled with bullying, abandonment, addiction, family and heartbreak to ultimately find peace many years later. The film also includes appearances by Khalilah Camacho Ali, Rahman Ali, and Chuck Wepner, in addition to Ali Jr. This seems like a really sad story, but not unexpected unfortunately, as it's hard to be so incredibly famous while making time for raising kids in the shadow of all that fame and success. Take a look. ›››

View the Post: Heartfelt Documentary Film 'My Father Muhammad Ali' Official Trailer

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/g5azVPZ

Official US Trailer for Jafar Panahi's Award-Winning Film 'No Bears'

No Bears Trailer

"This picture has become a big concern. It's paralyzing all of us." Janus Films has debuted the US trailer for the film No Bears, the latest acclaimed work by Iranian filmmaker Jafar Panahi. He was imprisoned earlier this year simply for going to support another filmmaker friend who was wrongly imprisoned, all because they dare to speak their minds and make films about the world they live in. No Bears premiered at the 2022 Venice and Toronto and New York Film Festivals, with a very limited release coming over the next month. Panahi's new film No Bears portrays two parallel love stories. In both, the lovers are troubled by hidden, inevitable obstacles, the force of superstition, and the mechanics of power. Panahi plays himself, trying to make a film across the border in Turkey, while getting into trouble with the locals in his own town. Also starring Naser Hashemi, Vahid Mobaseri, Bakhtiyar Panjei, Mina Kavani, & Reza Heydari. This is an important film about what it's like to be an oppressed filmmaker in Iran - keep an eye out for it. ›››

View the Post: Official US Trailer for Jafar Panahi's Award-Winning Film 'No Bears'

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/T7SJ4WR

A Ballroom Dancer Whirlwind Romance in 'Of An Age' Official Trailer

Of An Age Trailer

"Will it last a moment… or a lifetime?" Focus Features has revealed an official trailer for an indie romantic drama titled Of An Age, the next film from director Goran Stolevski, who also premiered You Won't Be Alone earlier this year at Sundance. Of An Age recently premiered at the 2022 Melbourne Film Festival and will be out in US theaters in February. The film stars Elias Anton as Kol, a Serbian immigrant in Australia who enters a brief but intense gay romance with Adam (Thom Green), the brother of his ballroom dance partner Ebony (Hattie Hook). He is an ambitious young dancer who gets caught up in "an unexpected and intense 24-hour romance with a friend's older brother." Sounds spicy. It's described by the festival as "a heart-meltingly tender, quintessentially Melbourne queer coming-of-age tale that will make you swoon from beginning to end." From the looks of it, this looks like it really will sweep us all away with the power of love. ›››

View the Post: A Ballroom Dancer Whirlwind Romance in 'Of An Age' Official Trailer

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/akpsRtN

Diane Keaton & Richard Gere in Romantic Comedy 'Maybe I Do' Trailer

Maybe I Do Trailer

"Why don't you want to meet these people?" "What could we possibly have in common?!" Vertical Ent. has revealed an official trailer for an ensemble romantic comedy film titled Maybe I Do, marking the feature directorial debut of a TV series creator making his first ever film. Further proof that everything has flipped in Hollywood - film directors are making TV series, and TV people are making films now. Michelle and Allen are now in a relationship. They decide to invite their parents to finally meet about marriage. Turns out, the parents already know one another well, quite well actually, which leads to some differing opinions about marriage. The ensemble includes Diane Keaton, Richard Gere, Susan Sarandon, Emma Roberts, Luke Bracey, and William H. Macy. That's quite a cast, but aside from them, does this look any good? This pretty much just looks like a bad sitcom turned into a 95 minute film. Perhaps your parents will enjoy? ›››

View the Post: Diane Keaton & Richard Gere in Romantic Comedy 'Maybe I Do' Trailer

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/s98ydki

Full Trailer for Netflix's Adaptation of Ferrante's 'The Lying Life of Adults'

The Lying Life of Adults Trailer

"You believe in lies more than the truth." Netflix has unveiled the main official trailer for The Lying Life of Adults, a mini-series adaptation of the best-selling Elena Ferrante novel of the same name. The novel first debuted in 2020 and is one of Ferrante's biggest hits. The 6-episode Italian series directed by Edoardo De Angelis stars Giordana Marengo as Giovanna, whose turbulent transition from child to adolescence against the backdrop of 1990s Naples is the center of this story. A girl in search of her true reflection in a divided city: the Naples of the heights, which assumes a mask of refinement, and the Naples of the depths, a place of excess and vulgarity. Along with Marengo, the series also stars Valeria Golino as her Aunt Vittoria, with Alessandro Preziosi, Pina Turco, Azzurra Mennella, and Rossella Gamba. She seems to learn that adults live their lives full of lies, which she can see through, but isn't quite sure who she wants to be or what path she should be headed down for her future. Looks like a compelling coming-of-age story. ›››

View the Post: Full Trailer for Netflix's Adaptation of Ferrante's 'The Lying Life of Adults'

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/oElaezH

A Lovely Steven Spielberg + John Williams 'The Fabelmans' Featurette

The Fabelmans Trailer

"I think that the contribution John has made to all of my films is absolutely immeasurable." Oh these two are so adorable together. Universal has revealed an official featurette for The Fabelmans, which has been playing in theaters for a month already playing on VOD soon. The featurette focuses on legendary composer John Williams and his connection with filmmaker Steven Spielberg. It is a promo for The Fabelmans, but it also goes back through some of their most iconic scores - for Jaws, Jurassic Park, Close Encounters, and Schindler's List. It's a full five minute video, not some skimpy promo with barely any dialogue. The two spend their time talking about their collaborations. Spielberg's The Fabelmans is the most personal movie that Spielberg has ever made, reflecting on the experiences that made him the filmmaker we know and love, in a story based on his childhood. Growing up in post-WWII era Arizona, a boy named Sammy discovers a shattering family secret and explores the power of films. This is such a lovely video about these two. I could watch a whole feature-length doc film about Williams & Spielberg. I'm sure they have so many stories to tell. ›››

View the Post: A Lovely Steven Spielberg + John Williams 'The Fabelmans' Featurette

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/MB4K9fq

Two 'Naughty' + 'Nice' Trailers for 'Babylon' to Spice Up Your Holidays

Babylon Trailers

"Are you okay? You're sweating." Paramount has revealed two more "Naughty" and "Nice" trailers (which one are you?) for Damien Chazelle's Babylon, arriving in theaters later this week just before the holidays. Set in old Hollywood during the transition from silent films to talkies in the 1920s, Babylon traces the rise and fall of multiple characters during an era of unbridled decadence and depravity in early Hollywood. The film's extraordinary cast features Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie and Diego Calva as the three co-leads, along with Jean Smart, Jovan Adepo, Li Jun Li, P.J. Byrne, Lukas Haas, Olivia Hamilton, Tobey Maguire, Max Minghella, Rory Scovel, Katherine Waterston, Flea, Jeff Garlin, Eric Roberts, Ethan Suplee, and Samara Weaving. The 3-hour long film has such an excess of debauchery, showing how crazy Hollywood was way back in the 1920s. Hence why they're focusing on this for the final marketing push. Maybe all this naughtiness will get a few people out to theaters? Who knows. Enjoy both looks below. ›››

View the Post: Two 'Naughty' + 'Nice' Trailers for 'Babylon' to Spice Up Your Holidays

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/YdPWrMH

Full IMAX Behind-the-Scenes Look at Michael B. Jordan's 'Creed III'

Creed III - IMAX Featurette

"As a storyteller, you really put a piece of yourself into your films." MGM + UA has debuted the full IMAX behind-the-scenes featurette for Creed III online after initially playing in theaters with Avatar: The Way of Water this past weekend. This was unveiled an exclusive IMAX preview, but now it's online for everyone to enjoy – regardless of the IMAX cinema. "Michael B. Jordan invites you to an exclusive look at the making of Creed III - the first sports movie to be filmed on IMAX cameras. Learn more about bringing the next chapter of Adonis’ story to the big screen and experience the film in theaters." Michael B. Jordan is also making his directorial debut and returning as Adonis Creed in this third installment of the hit franchise. It also stars Tessa Thompson, with Jonathan Majors as his contender this time, Wood Harris, Florian Munteanu (back again as Drago), newcomer Mila Kent, & Phylicia Rashad. This new video focuses on Jordan's move into directing, and how this sequel means so much to him - as a filmmaker and a storyteller. ›››

View the Post: Full IMAX Behind-the-Scenes Look at Michael B. Jordan's 'Creed III'

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/EfItqvL

Official Trailer for 'Spinning Gold' Biopic About Casablanca Records

Spinning Gold Trailer

"We were waging an all-out war against all the majors all at once." Hero + Universal have unveiled an official trailer for a music history biopic titled Spinning Gold, now set to open in select theaters starting in late March. The film is actually a biopic feature, not really a documentary, about the 1970s record producer Neil Bogart, co-founder of Casablanca Records. It's written and directed by producer / filmmaker Timothy Scott Bogart, who happens to be Neil Bogart's son. In a story so unbelievable that it can only be true, comes the motion picture event of the musical journey of Neil Bogart and how his Casablanca Records created the greatest soundtrack of our lives. Jeremy Jordan stars as Neil, along with Michelle Monaghan, Peyton List, Jason Isaacs, Lyndsy Fonseca, Sebastian Maniscalco, Dan Fogler, Caylee Cowan, Winslow Fegley. This is quite an impressive cast! Alas this looks like a made-for-TV movie, with so many generic music industry moments and cheesy shots. Maybe it'll be entertaining, but it's hard to tell from this trailer. ›››

View the Post: Official Trailer for 'Spinning Gold' Biopic About Casablanca Records

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/QPKGjzk

First Teaser Trailer for Uplifting Sequel 'Book Club: The Next Chapter'

Book Club: The Next Chapter Trailer

"I love anything that's falling apart more than I am." Focus Features has unveiled a teaser trailer for their upcoming sequel Book Club: The Next Chapter, a funny follow-up to the hit comedy Book Club from 2018. How many watched it? The highly anticipated sequel, starring returning icons Diane Keaton, Jane Fonda, Candice Bergen, and Mary Steenburgen, alongside Andy Garcia, Don Johnson, plus Craig T. Nelson, Giancarlo Giannini, Hugh Quarshie, and Vincent Riotta, follows our four best friends as they take their "book club" to Italy for the fun girls trip they never had. When things go off the rails and secrets are revealed, their relaxing vacation turns into a once-in-a-lifetime cross-country adventure. This looks and sounds amusing, but it's yet another cliche "what if these friends got into trouble on a wild trip to Europe" story which is remarkably generic & unoriginal considering so many other films have done this, too. ›››

View the Post: First Teaser Trailer for Uplifting Sequel 'Book Club: The Next Chapter'

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/zkRdE7n

Another Fun Tom Cruise Video Drops In - 'We'll See You at the Movies'

Tom Cruise - Skydiving

"We'll see you at the movies!" Once again, Tom Cruise has dropped by with a crazy fun video unlike any other Hollywood movie promotion before it. (Remember that other one during the pandemic when he went to the movies?) Cruise released this video via the official channels as part of a promotion for both Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One, opening next summer exclusively in theaters worldwide, and his 2022 hit Top Gun: Maverick, which will be available for streaming on Paramount+ this week after opening in theaters May 2022. This was shot while Cruise was up in the air about to take a skydive jump for a shot for the next Mission: Impossible Dead Reckoning. It looks like it's near the same place in South Africa where they filmed this bi-plane stunt for a M:I promo as well. There is nothing unsafe about this, it's just a simple skydiving stunt video and he probably packed his own 'chute anyway. Though it is the ultimate way to say "Happy Holidays" & "Thank You", that is for damn sure. Cruise is still as wild as he's always been. ›››

View the Post: Another Fun Tom Cruise Video Drops In - 'We'll See You at the Movies'

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/ndeT0h9

Must Watch: First Full Trailer for Christopher Nolan's 'Oppenheimer'

Oppenheimer Trailer

"I don't know if we can be trusted with such a weapon." Whoa! Strap in! Universal has launched the first official trailer for Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer, opening in theaters worldwide July 2023. There is also an entirely different special IMAX preview playing in IMAX theaters with Avatar: The Way of Water, which has a more intense vibe than this one. Oppenheimer tells the story of American scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer and his role in the development of the atomic bomb, working at the Los Alamos Laboratory on the Manhattan Project in the 1940s. The massive cast features Cillian Murphy as J. Robert Oppenheimer, with Emily Blunt as "Kitty" Oppenheimer, Matt Damon as Leslie Groves, Robert Downey Jr. as Lewis Strauss, Florence Pugh as Jean Tatlock, as well as Rami Malek, Benny Safdie, Josh Hartnett, Dane DeHaan, Jack Quaid, Matthew Modine, Alden Ehrenreich, Jason Clarke, David Krumholtz, Kenneth Branagh, David Dastmalchian, and many others. This looks excellent! It feels prophetic and grand, which is right what I was hoping for with Nolan telling this atomic story. What a magnificent trailer. ›››

View the Post: Must Watch: First Full Trailer for Christopher Nolan's 'Oppenheimer'

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/fBy2zsO

Penélope Cruz Cares for Her Kids in Italian Drama 'L'immensità' Trailer

L'immensità Trailer

"What miracle do you need?" Pathe in France has revealed a new official trailer for an Italian drama titled L'immensità, which originally premiered at the 2022 Venice Film Festival a few months ago. The film has no US date set yet, but will play in France in January after first opening in Italy in September. It's not one of Cruz's best films, it's one of her worst, a messy domestic drama that is mostly uninteresting. L'immensità (which translates to The Immensity) is set in Rome in the 70s - "a world suspended between neighborhoods under construction, TV shows still in B&W, social achievements and family models that are now outdated." The story follows a husband and wife, who are no longer together but still live together, focusing on their three young children as they grow up in this Italy of the 70s. Penélope Cruz stars (speaking Italian) with Vincenzo Amato, Luana Giuliani, Patrizio Francioni, and Maria Chiara Goretti. Get a look below. ›››

View the Post: Penélope Cruz Cares for Her Kids in Italian Drama 'L'immensità' Trailer

from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/jhZPT08


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