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Get Ready for 2022 with an Action Movie Preview from Kinemotions

2022 Action Movie Preview

Calling all action fans - this is the 2022 preview you didn't know you needed!! We're just a few hours away from kicking off 2022, so the YouTube channel called Kinemotions has put together a very fun 2-minute preview for 2022 Action Movies Trailer. There aren't a ton of trailers available yet, but he was able to find footage from 48 (!!) different action movies currently set to open sometime in 2022. This video includes clips from Hollywood's The Batman, Ambulance, Top Gun: Maverick, Uncharted, and The 355, as well as plenty of other foreign films that look quite badass. I don't know what this one is with the guy in the fireworks chair but it looks totally amazing. "As 2021 comes to a close, let's get excited for next year! Here's an edit with clips from 48 action movies I'm looking forward to. Try to identify them all." Let! Them! Fight! ›››

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Watch: Experimental Artificial Intelligence-Animated Short 'Forever'

Forever Short Film

"I see A.I. as not really an opinion, it seems like truth." After playing at film festivals all year long, this one-of-a-kind mesmerizing, entrancing short film is now available to watch online. Forever is a short created by filmmaker Mitch McGlocklin, and it's made by an artificial intelligence system. The story follows a guy who has a life-changing experience. "A life insurance company uses an AI algorithm to determine the risk of a new applicant. The subsequent denial sparks a period of introspection for the individual in question." It's a deeply contemplative film in many ways, and doesn't look like your typical short film. Forever was created with the experimental technique of using LiDAR to capture real life moments and environments. The LiDAR unit used to acquire the footage was originally created for self-driving cars. This junction of technology and filmmaking intersects with the subject of the film. There's much more going on in this aside from the visuals, as the things he calmly says will get into your head, too. Much to think about as we head into 2022. ›››

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Watch: Breaking Down the Science in Disaster Satire 'Don't Look Up'

Don't Look Up Science

"There's a certain point where he realizes, wait a minute… something's not right…" Netflix has debuted a fun featurette for Adam McKay's sci-fi satire Don't Look Up, which is now streaming on Netflix to watch. The featurette centers around an astronomer named Amy Mainzer, who's a Professor of Planetary Science, who was the primary science advisor on the movie. She discusses a few scenes as well as the general concept behind the plot - a comet is discovered by astronomers, and it's going to hit Earth. So they then try to inform the public, and the government, that this is definitely going to happen. But no one seems to care. I'm not the biggest fan of the movie, but as a concept, it's frighteningly authentic with our inability to accept the truth of what's coming with climate change. The cast includes Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence, with Jonah Hill, Mark Rylance, Tyler Perry, Timothée Chalamet, Ron Perlman, Cate Blanchett and Meryl Streep. Both of these science featurettes are reminders that - oh yes, the sceince in this is defintiely real. And you know what, so is the rest of what happens. Even if the movie is not good, at least it's accurate. ›››

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Two New Featurettes for Action Movie 'The 355' Opening in January

The 355 Featurette

"Every piece of action should feel like it hurts when it would hurt in real life." Universal has revealed a few new behind-the-scenes featurettes for The 355, an espionage action thriller starring a set of international women as five spies who must work together to recover a top-secret weapon in order to save the world from danger (of course). Sounds exciting, doesn't it? You can also check out the full-length official trailer here. Jessica Chastain, Diane Kruger, Lupita Nyong'o, Penélope Cruz, and Fan Bingbing co-star as the five leading ladies. This one also co-stars Sebastian Stan, Edgar Ramírez, and Emilio Insolera. With cinematography by Tim Maurice-Jones (of Snatch, Revolver, The Woman in Black, Kick-Ass 2). This was originally set to open last year, but is now opening in the first week of January in select theaters. Dumping grounds for a movie like this, but also the kind of dumb action movie that is perfect to enjoy in January anyway. These two featurettes cover a few of the action scenes & fights in the movie. This all looks like fun. ›››

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Looking Back: Our 10 Favorite Movie Posters from 2021 - Dig This Art

Our 10 Favorite Movie Posters

With the year almost over, it's time to look back and highlight some favorites from the world of movies. Our writer Ethan Anderton used to publish his list of the Best Official Movie Posters, but I'm taking over and will return to highlighting some of my favorite designs. Below is my personal selection of 10 Favorite Movie Posters from 2021. These aren't necessarily the "best" rather they're my own favorites that stuck with me. I'm clearly attracted to color and striking designs, something that looks unique and is evocative. I also think it's important for a poster to capture the vibe of the film, and not just look cool though it's different from how the film feels. That's an important part of poster design. Just slapping any generic photo on a poster is dull and lazy, but creating art, making something vivid - that's what I love the most. Check them out below. ›››

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Emily Redpath & Louis James in Mystery Thriller 'Help' Official Trailer

Help Trailer

"I knew something strange was happening from the moment I got here…" An official trailer has debuted for an indie mystery drama titled Help, the feature directorial debut of British indie filmmaker Blake Ridder, who is self-distributing this one after a few fests. It played at the Cinequest Film Festival, and is dropping on VOD starting in February 2022 for any interested. A young woman's life turns chaotic when she uncovers a deadly secret about her friend. It's about a trio of friends that meet up in the idyllic English countryside, but "secrets are exposed and the friends come to see each other in a whole new light." Dun dun dun… The film stars Louis James, Emily Redpath, Sarah Alexandra Marks, and Duncan James. This looks much better than expected, although the erotic thriller story seems a tad cliche. Expect plenty of twists and turns. ›››

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Watch: Another Terrific 'Cinema 2021' Video Tribute by Dylan Hoang

Cinema 2021

"There is no call we do not answer, there is no faith that we betray." Let us never betray cinema!! Another year, another look back at all the year's movies. Editor Dylan Hoang has revealed his Cinema 2021 video retrospective, that also includes a countdown of his Best Films of the Year at the end. These recaps are always worth watching - not only is the editing impressive, but there's something riveting about rewatching clips from all of the movies from 2021. What a year! We had everything from Titane to The Green Knight to Nightmare Alley to Dune to The Power of the Dog to The Ice Road to Free Guy to Barb and Star. There's probably plenty of movies we've all forgotten, but when they pop up here it's nice to think "ohh, I enjoyed that!" And with the year almost over it's also the right time to catch up with any you might've missed. Enjoy. ›››

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Full US Trailer for Acclaimed Belgian Film 'Playground' About Bullying

Playground Trailer

"What did you see?" Film Movement has unveiled an official US trailer for an acclaimed Belgian indie film titled Playground, also known as Un Monde (A World) in French. The film premiered at the 2021 Cannes Film Festival in the Un Certain Regard section, where it won the FIPRESCI Prize, before stopping by other festivals throughout this year. Seven-year-old Nora and her big brother Abel are back to school. When Nora witnesses Abel being bullied by other kids, she rushes to protect him, but Abel forces her to remain silent. Caught in a conflict of loyalty, Nora will ultimately try to find her place, torn between children's and adults' worlds. "Transposing the gritty realism of such filmmakers as Jacques Audiard and the Dardennes Brothers to the inner world of kids, Wandel crafts an empathetic and visceral portrait of the cruelty of children, and the failure of adults to protect them." It's also Begium's submission to the Academy Awards. The film stars Maya Vanderbeque, Günter Duret, Karim Leklou, Laura Verlinden. Arriving early 2022 in the US. ›››

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Teaser Trailer for Jean-Pierre Jeunet's Latest Sci-Fi Comedy 'Bigbug'

Bigbug Teaser

Surprise! Guess who's back with another new film? Netflix has revealed a teaser trailer for Amelie director Jean-Pierre Jeunet's latest film, titled Bigbug or Big Bug. This first look at the new kooky sci-fi comedy is our first reveal of this film, with no other photos out before this. And they're confirmed - it will be streaming on Netflix in February. Not too long of a wait at all! The film involves a group of bickering suburbanites who find themselves stuck together when an android uprising causes their well intentioned household robots to lock them in for their own safety. (Sounds like an amusing sci-fi satire about lockdowns?) The ensemble cast features Elsa Zylberstein, Isabelle Nanty, Stéphane De Groodt, Claude Perron, Youssef Hajdi, Claire Chust, François Levantal, Alban Lenoir, André Dussollier, Marysole Fertard, and Hélie Thonnat. This is just a quick teaser, but I am already sold. I'm always down for Jeunet films! Take a look. ›››

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Luciana Faulhaber & Gillie Jones in 'The Curse of La Patasola' Trailer

The Curse of La Patasola Trailer

When You Hear Her Song It's Too Late To Run. Vertical Ent. has revealed the first official trailer for the indie horror thriller The Curse of La Patasola, another "based on South American folklore" supernatural film arriving soon. This is opening in January, skipping festivals and everything else. La Patasola, directed and co-written by AJ Jones, follows two struggling couples whose relationships, morality and will to survive are tested when they are haunted by a famed vampiric monster from Amazonian folklore. Gillie Jones' performance in the horror feature will have critics and fans on the edge of their seats. The cast features both Jones, Patrick R. Walker, Najah Bradley, and Luciana Faulhaber. This horror just seems to be riding on the coattails of all the other The Curse of La Llorona films recently, and does not look good. Check it out. ›››

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Watch: 'The Battle of San Romano' Painting Animated as a Short Film

The Battle of San Romano Short

Experience this epic battle like never before! Swiss animation filmmaker Georges Schwizgebel originally premiered this animation project back in 2017, but it's finally online to watch thanks to Vimeo. The Battle of San Romano is a short film taking a classic painting, the famous 15th century triptych "The Battle of San Romano" by Italian Renaissance painter Paolo Uccello, and animating it using a unique paint-on-glass technique. It's all done by hand. "The movement begins at the top left-hand corner of the painting and ends in the same piece, which allows me to restart the spiral. At the beginning, I'm looking for how square 1 will turn into square 2, into a total of 36 different segments." Schwizgebel has made 20 other films before this with the same technique, and has picked up many awards over the years. It reminds me of these stunning hand-painted films Loving Vincent & The Peasants. It also gives this painting a whole new life. View below. ›››

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Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays from FirstShowing's Movie Lovers

Merry Christmas 2021

Joyeux Noel! Gledelig Jul! Frohe Weihnachten! Mele Kalikimaka! From all of us at FirstShowing.net, we want to wish every one our readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays! Whether you're in hanging out at home alone, spending the time with family or friends, or just with your partner; or whether it's snowing or sunny where you are, we hope you have a lovely weekend full of relaxation and warmth and smiles. Yet another year of the pandemic has added stress, but movies have still kept us entertained and moved and inspired. Thanks for reading and thanks for following FS throughout this latest year. I'm glad we've all been able to revel in many exciting movies from 2021 - The Matrix Resurrections, Spider-Man: No Way Home, Dune, The Power of the Dog, Godzilla vs Kong, Barb and Star, Candyman, Malignant, and No Time To Die. Stay safe, movie lovers. News and trailers always slow down during the holidays, but we'll be operating at full-speed again by 2022. Keep an eye out for a few more updates leading us into the New Year. ›››

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Watch: A Killer Animatronic Santa in Christmas Horror Short 'Jolly'

Jolly Short Film

"Ho ho ho! I'm going to unwrap your skull." Have a holly, jolly Christmas! It's the best time of the year… As long as Santa isn't killing you, then there will be plenty of cheer. How about a fun Christmas horror short to warm up these holiday days? Jolly is a new short film by from Todd Spence & Zak White. The two have been cooking up under-5-minute, low budget horror shorts for the last few years - including Where Is It and this year's Fear Wish. Jolly, about an animatronic Santa head, also stars Todd Spence with Zak White as the voice of Santa. These guys are damn good at putting together homemade shorts that are slyly entertaining and extremely creepy without much happening, which isn't as easy at it seems. Just don't make Santa angry. ›››

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Taking the Russian Train North in 'Compartment No. 6' Official Trailer

Compartment No. 6 Trailer

"A toast! To your inner animal." Sony Pictures Classics has revealed the official US trailer for acclaimed Finnish-Russian film Compartment No. 6, also known as Hytti nro 6 in Finnish. This first premiered in competition at the 2021 Cannes Film Festival, and it also played at the Telluride Film Festival this year. This is Finnish filmmaker Juho Kuosmanen's follow-up to his acclaimed Cannes 2016 hit film The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Maki. As a train weaves its way up through Russia to the town of Murmansk, two strangers share a journey that will change their perspective on life. A woman spends her long ride and a tiny sleeping car with a Russian miner, and this strange and unusual unexpected encounter leads them to face the truth about their own yearning for human connection. Starring Seidi Haarla & Yuriy Borisov. "A real journey through Russia's society with two unforgettable characters… It is a generous homage to humanity, in all its contradictions." This one is on many Best of the Year lists and it's worth discovering when it opens in 2022. ›››

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First Trailer for Andrea Arnold's Animal Doc 'Cow' About Dairy Cows

Cow Trailer

"Nearly wordless, yet extremely loud." Mubi has debuted the first trailer for the acclaimed documentary film Cow, following the lives of two cows on a dairy farm in the UK. This originally premiered at the 2021 Cannes Film Festival, which is a prestigious place to premiere a film that has no dialogue and is only about animals (and how much they suffer at the hands of humans). It's made by filmmaker Andrea Arnold, best known for her films Red Road, Fish Tank, Wuthering Heights, American Honey. "This film is an endeavour to consider cows. To move us closer to them. To see both their beauty and the challenge of their lives. Not in a romantic way but in a real way… It's a film about one dairy cow's reality and acknowledging her great service to us. When I look at Luma, our cow, I see the whole world in her." I was very moved by this film. Its power lies in its transparency, showing every last gritty detail about their sad lives being raised just for milk. ›››

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Second Trailer for 'Uncharted' Video Game Movie Starring Tom Holland

Uncharted Trailer

"You were just going to leave me back there?!" Sony Pictures has debuted the second official trailer for the Uncharted movie, based on the very popular video game series about a young adventurer named Nathan Drake. This has been in the works for years, finally opening in February 2022 early next year. We posted the first trailer back in October, and it didn't look that great. Is this one any better? Up to you… Tom Holland stars as Nathan, who goes on his first treasure hunting adventure with wisecracking partner Victor "Sully" Sullivan, played by Mark Wahlberg. The main cast also includes Sophia Ali, Tati Gabrielle, and Antonio Banderas. As much as I enjoy watching Holland in movies (he really is a great Spidey), he does not seem the right fit as Drake. This looks like it will be mildly entertaining, and instantly forgettable, filled with CGI. ›››

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'Sonic the Hedgehog 2' Riffs off 'The Matrix' for a Fun New TV Spot

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Matrix

"It's good to be back in blue!" This is cool. Paramount has debuted a new 30-second TV spot for Sonic the Hedgehog 2, and it's one of those fun riffs playing off of the other big movie opening this very week - The Matrix Resurrections. It plays up the red pill vs blue pill choice by asking fans to choose between a red quill vs blue quill - red for Knuckles, the new bad guy in this one, and blue for Sonic. They're both on the search for search for an emerald that has the power to destroy civilizations. The movie stars Ben Schwartz as the voice of Sonic, Idris Elba as the voice of Knuckles, Colleen O'Shaughnessey as Tails, plus Jim Carrey back as the evil Dr. Robotnik, with James Marsden, Tika Sumpter, Natasha Rothwell, Adam Pally, Lee Majdoub, and Shemar Moore. Hollywood used to make more of these crossover promos for movies a while ago, but we haven't seen one like this in a bit. Glad to see Paramount marketing tipping their hat to Matrix - even the shots they chose for this spot are references to scenes in the Matrix movies. Enjoy. ›››

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Editorial: How The Multiverse Helps Spider-Man Find His Way Home


"Where there is great power, there is great responsibility…" The Multiverse is real. In Spider-Man: No Way Home, playing in theaters worldwide, the Multiverse finally reveals itself in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Tom Holland's Spider-Man faces his most nefarious threats yet in the third chapter of this trilogy for this popular webslinger. What's more is that while No Way Home pays homage to the last three cinematic incarnations of the superhero, it also finally allows Holland's Peter Parker to become the Spider-Man we know & love. Like any good Spider-Man story, that means with great power comes great responsibility to tell a gripping story full of sacrifice and hard choices. Writer's Note: This contains major spoilers for Spider-Man: No Way Home. If you haven't seen it yet and prefer to hold on, read no further. ›››

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Watch This: LWL's Video Countdown of The 30 Best Films of 2021

The 30 Best Films of 2021

It's that time of the year again - time to discuss everyone's favorite films of the year, all the best of the best that cinema brought us in 2021. The UK-based film magazine Little White Lies has published their The 30 Best Films of 2021 list, made up of selections from all of the various critics that write for them. Included with this end of the year reveal is a video countdown, edited together by Luís Azevedo (we've featured many of his video essays). This countdown contains footage from all 30 of the great films featured on their list, including many of our faves - Titane, Summer of Soul, Annette, The Lost Daughter, Dune, C'mon C'mon. Even if the films on here aren't your jam, it's still quite lovely to see a visual recap of the last Year in Film. It's always a terrific way to process and admire all we've been graced with as cinephiles over these 12 months. Enjoy the "annual countdown of the year’s finest silver screen offerings. How many have you seen?" ›››

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Official Trailer for Disney Animation's 'Far From the Tree' Short Film

Far From the Tree Trailer

Disney Animation has unveiled a trailer for the short film Far From the Tree, which will be available for streaming on Disney+ later this week. You might've already seen this short if you went to see Encanto in the cinema, as it played in front of showings of that Disney Animation movie when it opened last month. In Far From the Tree, curiosity gets the better of a young raccoon whose frustrated parent attempts to keep them both safe. They will learn that while there is reason to be fearful, as danger lurks around every corner, it is still possible to live with an open heart. There's no voice cast, as this one doesn't have any voices anyway, just a couple of cute raccoons that go on an adventure around the Pacific Northwest. It's made by Natalie Nourigat, who also made Exchange Student in Disney's "Short Circuit" series. Meet the two raccoons below. ›››

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First Teaser for Raimi's 'Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness'

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Teaser

"I never meant for any of this to happen…" Marvel has unveiled a teaser trailer for the next sequel, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, opening in theaters in May of 2022 next summer. This teaser originally played at the end of the credits for Spider-Man: No Way Home, because it connects directly with that movie. After Strange opened the Multiverse for Peter Parker, causing the calamity that appears in that movie, things have been knocked out of balance and they don't know what will happen next. "The Multiverse is a concept about which we know frighteningly little." Exact plot details are unknown so far, but this teaser clearly hints at the appearance of an Evil Strange, along with Wanda helping the Good Doctor try & make sense of the many Multiverses. Benedict Cumberbatch returns as Doctor Strange, with a cast including Benedict Wong, Rachel McAdams, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Elizabeth Olsen, and Xochitl Gomez. And best of all, Sam Raimi is directing this one! His first movie since 2013. Can't wait to see what he's cooking up - because so far this looks VERY psychedelic and epicly mind-bending. Bring on the Madness of Multiverses. ›››

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'It Was Bob's World' - Trailer for 'The Super Bob Einstein Movie' Doc

The Super Bob Einstein Movie

"I was obsessed with him instantly." HBO has unveiled the trailer for a documentary biopic film titled The Super Bob Einstein Movie, made by journalist / filmmaker Danny Gold. It'll be streaming on HBO Max this December. The doc follows the life of the late actor, writer and producer Bob Einstein, featuring some of his greatest comedic contributions. Punctuated with a treasure trove of archival clips + interviews, Bob's unique sensibility is remembered by his family, his friends, and fellow comedians including Jerry Seinfeld, Larry David, Susie Essman, David Letterman, Sarah Silverman, Norman Lear, Cheryl Hines, Jimmy Kimmel, Steve Martin, Patton Oswalt, Rob Reiner, JB Smoove, brothers Albert Brooks and Cliff Einstein, wife Berta and daughter Erin. A pillar of the comedy community for nearly 50 years, Einstein's singular sense of humor had a lasting impact on generations of legendary comedians. In keeping with his propensity for wry joke-telling and daring physical comedy, The Super Bob Einstein Movie is a celebration of Einstein's uncanny commitment to his work and a moving, fittingly funny tribute to a beloved comedian. Have a look. ›››

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Official Trailer for Netflix's 'The Royal Treatment' Romantic Comedy

The Royal Treatment Trailer

"We're in Hair Camp, and you're out flirting with hot royalty." Netflix has unveiled the official trailer for another sappy romantic comedy called The Royal Treatment. Which just copies so many other romcom stories with "what if she could be a princess by marrying this guy?!" Been there, done that, this isn't new, yet they keep making these. New York hairdresser Izzy, played by Laura Marano, seizes the chance to work at the wedding of a charming prince, but when sparks between them fly, will love — or duty — prevail? She and Prince Thomas learn that taking control of their own destiny requires following their hearts. The full cast includes Mena Massoud (from Aladdin!), Chelsie Preston Crayford, Grace Bentley-Tsibuah, and Cameron Rhodes. Looks like yet another extra cheesy Hallmark holiday special that Netflix scooped up. ›››

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One Deadly Night in Thriller 'Confession' Trailer with Colm Meaney

Confession Trailer

"It's too late for me… I'm already dead." Uncork'd Ent. has revealed the trailer for a UK action thriller titled Confession, from filmmaker David Beton. This one is arriving in theaters + on VOD in the US starting in January, despite not picking up any buzz before this debut. One church, one priest, a wounded man and his loaded gun. An intense thriller that plays out in real time during one night where a vengeful confession must take place. Starring Stephen Moyer & Colm Meaney, with Clare-Hope Ashitey, Kris Johnson, and Sadie Jean Shirley. "Confession is a very suspenseful, thrilling ride with terrific performances from two always-dependable performers, Moyer and Meaney." This looks like an engaging battle of wits, as the three people inside this church confront and accuse each other back & forth to the end. It might be worth a watch. ›››

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'O, Full of Scorpions is My Mind' Teaser for 'The Tragedy of Macbeth'

The Tragedy of Macbeth Trailer

"O, full of scorpions is my mind…" O Macbeth, you are so doomed. Apple + A24 has revealed a fourth teaser trailer for the film The Tragedy of Macbeth, Joel Coen's stylish black & white Shakespeare adaptation arriving in theaters soon - starting on Christmas Day, December 25th this year. Watch the first two teasers for more footage. This already premiered at the New York and London Film Festivals, and lands on Apple TV+ in January in just a few more weeks. Bruno Delbonnel's cinematography is utterly ravishing. Denzel Washington and Frances McDormand co-star as Lord and Lady Macbeth in Joel Coen's bold and fierce Shakespeare adaptation; a tale of murder, madness, ambition, & wrathful cunning. A Scottish lord becomes convinced by a trio of witches that he will become the next King of Scotland. But that is not his ultimate fate. The cast includes Bertie Carvel, Alex Hassell, Corey Hawkins, Harry Melling, Brendan Gleeson, Moses Ingram, and Kathryn Hunter. I quite like these teasers as promotion, rather than one full trailer. ›››

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Watch: A Lovely Tribute to 'The Lord of the Rings' 20th Anniversary

Lord of the Rings 20th Anniversary

"This task was appointed to you, and if you do not find a way, no one will." On December 19th, 2001, the world of movies changed forever - Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring opened in theaters. The rest is history. To celebrate this 20th anniversary, editor Joel Walden put together this lovely tribute video taking us back to the unforgettable glory of this epic trilogy. It's a must watch for any and every LOTR fan. I LOVE these movies more than I love just about anything else. Watching them in the sold out movie theaters during those three years was a powerful and formative experience for me, and I get seriously emotional just thinking about how beautiful these movies are. There's nothing like them. There never will be. I am sure there are many great tributes out there for this anniversary, but this is one of the best - using some of my favorite quotes and shots edited so nicely. Catch up with Sam & Frodo again below. ›››

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Review: Free Your Mind (Once Again) with 'The Matrix Resurrections'

The Matrix Resurrections

"It is so much simpler to bury reality than it is to dispose of dreams." As Morpheus once said in the original The Matrix movie, "no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself." That's true of this movie, as well. I should just end the review here and instead encourage everyone to go watch The Matrix Resurrections – you really have to "see it for yourself" to make up your own mind, attempt to understand what it's saying / showing us, and decide whether that message resonates with you… or not. It has been 18 years since we last entered the Matrix in The Matrix Revolutions - an epic sci-fi action extravaganza that left many befuddled and disappointed. The original The Matrix is an all-timer masterpiece, utterly perfect in every sense, but we already know that. After all this time, was it worth it to revisit this series again? Yes, but mostly because Lana Wachowski really has something to say about the way we consume stories and mind-expanding entertainment. And it's not what many will like hearing, but damnit - someone needed to say it. ›››

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There Is a New Viral Marketing Website for 'The Batman' to Follow

The Batman Viral Website

"Have you ever been to the Iceberg Lounge?" There's a new viral website for Matt Reeves' upcoming The Batman movie, discovered by fans a week ago. And while there is one file hidden on the site, not much is there yet. But this is exciting news. Most will remember the viral marketing campaign for The Dark Knight (called "Why So Serious?"), as it's highly regarded as the best Hollywood viral campaign ever. Might this be an early hint that they're preparing something like this again for the next Batman? Who knows. The site was discovered by deciphering code hidden on a new cardboard standee for the movie that appeared in a movie theater recently. Surprise, surprise. If you look closely, there's coded text written on the bottom left corner (photo below). Once deciphered, fans discovered that it points to a new website - which looks like a basic terminal for a server and includes a text prompt with green text. Answer a few questions, or rather, answer a few riddles (ha ha ha) and you'll be given a "reward" - a jpg image with three GCPD sketches of The Batman. ›››

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New Promo Featurette for PTA's 'Licorice Pizza' - Expanding Dec 25th

Licorice Pizza Featurette

"I'm not gonna forget you, just like you're not gonna forget me." MGM has revealed another 2-min behind-the-scenes featurette for Licorice Pizza, the latest Paul Thomas Anderson film that is already playing in limited theaters right now. The film is expanding to more theaters nationwide on Christmas Day, later this week, hence this last minute push to remind everyone it's out. Set in the 1970s in the San Fernando Valley in LA, the film is a romance between two high schoolers, one of them a famous child actor beginning to grow up… This stars Cooper Hoffman and Alana Haim as the two young leads, with an ensemble cast also featuring Bradley Cooper, Maya Rudolph, Ben Stiller, Skyler Gisondo, Benny Safdie, Tom Waits, Sean Penn, a few others. We all know PTA is a masterful director, but unfortunately this promo video features no actual behind-the-scenes footage, just boring EPK clips with some trailer footage. Shucks. ›››

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Official US Trailer for Supernatural Horror Thriller 'Fallen' from Italy

Fallen Trailer

"The time has come when even the holiest of saints must become executioners." Lionsgate has released an official trailer for an Italian indie horror titled Fallen, a sort of zombie film but not really. The description for this one is a bit strange - the trailer makes it look like there's some kind of "evil menace" taking over the world. Not a virus, but what? Years later, he lives on a remote farm with his daughter, haunted by the faces of those he saved and those he could not. After finding a pale humanoid creature lurking in the woods one night, he shoots and cremates the monster. But he discovers that the beast was not alone and his troubles have only begun. Starring Andrea Zirio, Ortensia Fioravanti, and Fabio Tarditi. This doesn't look like there's much to it, but horror fans should take note. It's worthwhile to keep an eye on international horror. ›››

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First Teaser for French Film About the 'Notre-Dame On Fire' Incident

Notre-Dame On Fire Trailer

"Be sure to use the fastest and surest channel. Your wait will seem long…" Pathe in France has revealed the first teaser trailer for a movie titled, in English, Notre-Dame On Fire - which is indeed a "blockbuster" about the Notre Dame fire in 2019. The French title is, amusingly, just Notre-Dame Brûle and it's supposed to tell a story "from inside the Notre-Dame de Paris fire of April 2019." The film retraces how heroic men & women firefighters put their lives on the line to accomplish an awe-inspiring rescue. The movie's ensemble cast features Samuel Labarthe, Jean-Paul Bordes, Mikael Chirinian, Jérémie Laheurte, Chloé Jouannet, and Pierre Lottin. Don't dismiss this one too soon! It's made by the same director as Seven Years in Tibet and Enemy at the Gates, so he certainly knows how to make a good movie. Yeah this looks excruciatingly cheesy, but hey, Hollywood makes disaster films like this all the time so why not. Take a look. ›››

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Second Trailer for Murder Mystery 'Death on the Nile' Arriving in 2022

Death on the Nile Trailer

"The murderer is here. And will stay here." Poirot is back again! 20th Century Studios has debuted a second official trailer for Agatha Christie's Death on the Nile movie, now opening in 2022. This is the Murder on the Orient Express sequel bringing back detective Hercule Poirot to solve yet another mystery. Murder was just the beginning. While on vacation in Egypt on a river boat on the Nile, Hercule Poirot must investigate the murder of a young heiress. Death on the Nile reunites the filmmaking team behind Orient Express, and stars Kenneth Branagh as the iconic Hercule Poirot; he also directed the film. Joined by an all-star cast of suspects, including: Tom Bateman, Annette Bening, Russell Brand, Ali Fazal, Dawn French, Gal Gadot, Armie Hammer, Rose Leslie, Emma Mackey, Sophie Okonedo, Jennifer Saunders, and Letitia Wright. This was set to open in 2020, but has been held for two years during the pandemic - now opening February 2022. Will it be worth the wait? Not quite sure. It looks nice, but the rest isn't so exciting. ›››

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Watch: Experimental Short 'Beast' Set on Christmas Eve in Montreal

Beast Short Film

"Christmas is tiring… Just a bunch of kids yelling and running, anyway." How would you react if suddenly you lost control of your body and it started moving on its own? This freaky, fascinating experimental short Beast is made by a Montreal based filmmaker named Benjamin Nicolas. It's only 11 minutes and is shot in B&W. It's Christmas Eve, Martin drives customers in his VTC, suddenly, without warning, his body begins to make uncontrolled movements. Starring James Viveiros, a contemporary dance artist, in the lead role with an unforgettable performance. This isn't the most straightforward short, there's plenty of crazy things going on and after a quiet first half it gets real crazy leading up to the finale. It reminds me of the early work from that other Montreal director you might know - Denis Villeneuve (check out Next Floor). Watch below. ›››

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US Trailer for Coming-of-Age 'The Whaler Boy' Set in a Small Village

The Whale Boy Trailer

"Take me home." Film Movement has unveiled the official US trailer for an indie coming-of-age film from Russia titled The Whaler Boy, marking the feature directorial debut of filmmaker Philipp Yuryev. This first premiered in the Venice Days sidebar at the 2020 Venice Film Festival, and won the Director's Award there. It also played at numerous other festivals around the world through the last year. The film follows a young hunter, living in a male-dominated whaling community, who sets off an a journey to find a webcam girl he saw on his computer after the internet arrives in their town. Featuring stunning photography of the dramatic landscape, and punctuated by some off-kilter humor, "there’s an almost fable-like simplicity to this atmospheric coming of age story" about the division between two worlds. The small cast includes Vladimir Onokhov, Kristina Asmus, and Arieh Worthalter. This looks quite compelling, I need to check it out. ›››

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Trailers for WB's 'Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts'

Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts

"I wouldn't be the person I am without so many people here." Warner Bros has unveiled a full official trailer for their upcoming Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts streaming special, airing on HBO Max starting January 1st. Cast members from all of the various Harry Potter films (eight in total) reunite in a retrospective special to celebrate the anniversary of the first film, including interviews and cast conversations. This is clearly a promotional stunt designed to bring attention to Harry Potter, because that's right, there's another Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore movie opening in a few months as well. Aside from the main cast, Daniel Radcliffe + Emma Watson + Rupert Grint, additional film franchise alumni in this memorable tribute include Helena Bonham Carter, Robbie Coltrane, Ralph Fiennes, Jason Isaacs, Gary Oldman, Tom Felton, James Phelps, Oliver Phelps, Mark Williams, Bonnie Wright, Alfred Enoch, Ian Hart, Toby Jones, Matthew Lewis, Evanna Lynch, producer David Heyman, and the filmmakers: Chris Columbus, Alfonso Cuarón, Mike Newell and David Yates. Yep - everyone is back! Take a look below. ›››

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Watch: A24 Presents 'Simon Rex: Thru The Eras' - A Retrospective

Simon Rex: Thru The Eras

"The universe is on his side, bro." A24 has revealed a fun video essay looking back at "Simon Rex: Thru The Eras" - an unconventional promotion for the movie Red Rocket (now playing in select theaters in the US). Simon Rex is an actor that you should recognize. Rising to fame as an MTV VJ, Rex later became an actor known for What I Like About You, starring in three films of the Scary Movie franchise, and National Lampoon's Pledge This!. He later developed a rap persona, Dirt Nasty, and had several solo albums and co-founded the hip-hop group Three Loco. This video retrospective looks back at his career and his fame, "a closer look at the legendary chameleon that is Simon Rex - from MTV and Dirt Nasty to his LAFCA-winning role as Red Rocket's leading man, Mikey Saber." Featuring some of his biggest fans, including Mark Ronson, Regina Hall, Pauly Shore, & Sean Baker. A clever way to promote Red Rocket, which really is worth a watch. ›››

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Official Trailer for 'Reopening Night' Doc About NYC's Public Theater

Reopening Night Trailer

"We're bringing New York back to the theater!" HBO has released this official trailer for a documentary called Reopening Night, about the return of one of New York City's most beloved theater companies. We missed this trailer when it first dropped, but happy to still feature it anyway. The film follows the cast, crew and staff of the world-famous Public Theater and their obstacles & conversations as they prepare to mount an adaptation of Shakespeare's "Merry Wives" in Central Park this past summer. They face a roller coaster ride of hurdles returning to the stage in the midst of an ongoing pandemic by staging a modern adaptation of Shakespeare's play that celebrates Black joy and artistry. This doc goes hand-in-hand with the other doc from this year about the re-opening of Broadway after the pandemic, called On Broadway. I wish I could've gone to this show! Always love a good behind-the-scenes look. "Welcome back to Shakespeare in the Park!" ›››

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Charlie Day & Jenny Slate in Trailer for RomCom 'I Want You Back'

I Want You Back Trailer

"Look at you, good work." "Yeah man, I'm a psycho!" Amazon has unveiled the first official trailer for the romantic comedy I Want You Back, arriving on Prime Video in February for streaming just in time for Valentine's Day evening. How's this for an "original" concept we've never ever seen before? Newly dumped thirty-somethings Peter and Emma team up to sabotage their exes' new relationships and win them back for good. Haven't we seen this before already? Jenny Slate and Charlie Day co-star in this, with an ensemble cast including Gina Rodriguez, Manny Jacinto, Scott Eastwood, Isabel May, Jami Gertz, Clark Backo, and Dylan Gelula. This does looks cute and fun and light-hearted, despite the sadness of break-up. And there's a few good awkward moments in the trailer that will make everyone cringe-laugh. Check it out. ›››

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First Official Trailer for Robert Eggers' Brutal 'The Northman' Film

The Northman Trailer

"Your strength breaks men's bones." Yes! Unleash the Vikings! Focus Features has revealed the first official trailer for The Northman, the latest epic thriller from filmmaker Robert Eggers - of The Witch and The Lighthouse previously. For this one, they built a gigantic, authentic Viking town up in Northern Ireland to film the feature. The Northman is an epic historical thriller, co-written by Eggers with Icelandic poet and novelist Sjón. Set at the turn of the 10th century in Iceland, it stars Alexander SkarsgÃ¥rd as Viking prince Amleth, who sets out on a mission of revenge after his father is murdered. Nicole Kidman, Anya Taylor-Joy, Björk, Ralph Ineson, Ethan Hawke, & Willem Dafoe also star. We've been waiting to see footage from this! An epic cast for an epic story. This looks super gnarly, holy shit! Even more intense than I was expecting. Eggers always rocks! Looks like Vikings we haven't seen since 13th Warrior or Valhalla Rising. ›››

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Hong Sang-soo Heads to Berlin in Official US Trailer for 'Introduction'

Introduction Trailer

"I hate being separated." "Me too." The Cinema Guild has released an official US trailer for the indie drama Introduction, the latest film made by prolific Korean filmmaker Hong Sang-soo. He's always making more films, sometimes more than one a year. This one premiered at the 2021 Berlin Film Festival earlier this year, and it seems that he made this during one of his other regular trips to the festival as it takes place IN Berlin this time (partially). A young man travels from South Korea to Berlin to surprise his girlfriend. Yeong-ho heads to the hospital to find his father. Soon, however, he heads to Germany to meet his girlfriend. When he comes back to Korea, he sees his mother with a middle aged man. The cast includes Seok-ho Shin, Mi-so Park, Young-ho Kim, Joo-Bong Ki, and Young-hwa Seo. His films are an acquired taste, and if you're not already into Hong Sang-soo, watching something like this probably won't change your mind about him. ›››

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Official Trailer for 'Charli XCX: Alone Together' Doc About the Singer

Charli XCX: Alone Together Trailer

"It's just you, alone, with your issues." Greenwich Ent. has revealed a trailer for music documentary Charli XCX: Alone Together, which originally premiered at the 2021 SXSW Film Festival earlier this year. This was made by the English singer known as "Charlie XCX" (real name: Charlotte Emma Aitchison), after she went into lockdown at the start of the pandemic in 2020. "Charli XCX, a pop star in quarantine embarks on a whirlwind journey making an album in 40 days that tests her creative and emotional limits and unites a global community of vulnerable LGBTQ+ fans." It follows the 5 week process of making the album 'how i’m feeling now'. From one review: "All these individual stories add up to one big reminder of music's healing power… 'We are all, in some way, going through exactly the same thing. In a time where we were forced to be apart, we felt connected in ways we never have before.' Alone, then, but also together." A good message to share. Not sure if this will be exciting for anyone that isn't already a Charli fan, but it's worth a look anyway. ›››

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Review: 'Spider-Man: No Way Home' Throws Us into the Multiverse

Spider-Man: No Way Home

What more can anyone say about Spider-Man that hasn't already been said? We've already had 7 live-action movies before this, not to mention animated series galore an the extraordinary Into the Spider-Verse movie, all the comics and history, and Parker's appearances in the other MCU movies. Everyone knows and loves Spider-Man / Peter, he continues to break box office records and draw enormous crowds. And even though they're re-invented him in Hollywood three times already, he still remains one of the most charismatic and adored superhero characters. Spider-Man: No Way Home is the third movie in Jon Watts' stand-alone trilogy that, while intertwined with the MCU movies, focuses specifically on Parker and his struggle to figure himself out as a youngster and find his place in the world (of superheroes). It's also the first time any movie has successfully introduced the Multiverse concept in live-action and gracefully pulled off the impractical challenge of integrating the old with the new. This review contains spoilers - proceed with caution. ›››

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Official Trailer for 'Slugfest' Doc Series About DC vs Marvel Legacy

Slugfest Trailer

"DC was always trying to one-up Marvel in some way." Let them fight!! Roku has unveiled a trailer for a new documentary series called Slugfest, arriving on The Roku Channel for streaming this December. This was originally produced by Quibi in 2019, but it never made it to that service before it was shut down. Now it's finally finished and ready to premiere. It's inspired by Reed Tucker's book "Slugfest: Inside the Epic, 50-year Battle Between Marvel & DC" and will include a history of the rivalry with interviews & re-enactments. Each episode dives into the unique story from the companies rich and intermingled history that's created a world-wide superhero phenomenon. It's narrated by Kevin Smith, and produced by the Russo Brothers at their company AGBO. This looks like it'll be damn good. It's made by some very talented doc filmmakers, meaning it's more than just a TV special. I'm down to hear the crazy stories about this rivalry over the years. ›››

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Make a Horror Movie, Meet a Real Serial Killer in 'Stoker Hills' Trailer

Stoker Hills Traler

"He's on the move!" Screen Media has revealed the first official trailer for an indie horror film titled Stoker Hills, arriving in theaters and on VOD in January after first premiering last year. The film takes place in the secluded town of Stoker Hills where three college students filming a horror movie find themselves trapped in their own worst nightmare when they are kidnapped by a serial killer. "Their only hope for survival is two detectives who find the camera they left behind in the woods." Another meta concept involving friends making a horror movie and encountering real horror. The film stars David Gridley, Vince Hill-Bedford, Eric Etebari, William Lee Scott, Steffani Brass, Tyler Clark, and Jason Sweat; as well as Danny Nucci, John Beasley and Tony Todd. It looks like there's much more going on than just this serial killer. ›››

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Review: Tricky Manipulation in Guillermo del Toro's 'Nightmare Alley'

Nightmare Alley Review

"Step right up and behold one of the unexplained mysteries of the universe! Is he a man or beast?" This is the ultimate question to ask at the end of this film. Beloved Mexican filmmaker Guillermo del Toro has returned with his latest movie, Nightmare Alley, his 11th feature so far. It's a re-adaptation of the novel written by William Lindsay Gresham (first published in 1946), but also connects directly to the classic 1947 film also titled Nightmare Alley (which is a part of the Criterion Collection). I've seen both films and they're quite similar, but del Toro's update is much more slick, much more beautiful-to-look-at – shot in color with all of his usual visual tricks and atmosphere. And it focuses much more on the Icarus-esque journey of the main character "Stan" Carlisle, rather than the eclectic mix of carnies that he befriends during the first half. ›››

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Official Trailer for 'Beanie Mania' Doc About the Beanie Babies Hype

Beanie Mania Trailer

"Things got out of control." HBO Max has revealed an official trailer for Beanie Mania, a documentary about the Beanie Babies craze of the 90s. Everyone remembers Beanie Babies, right? Right?!?! I definitely do! I admit I had some of them growing up. From Director Yemisi Brookes is a documentary about Beanie Babies, the stuffed toys on everyone’s minds (and shelves) in the late 90s. Beanie Mania is an illuminating and entertaining exploration of how a children’s toy spawned an unprecedented investment bubble and a frenzy of American greed. I'm glad they identify this as greed, because looking back on it, that's definitely what it was - creating a bunch of hype just to sell more useless toys. Even if they meant something to us at the time, do they mean anything now? I'm glad to see docs asking these kind of questions. And this is a good trailer - I'm hooked. Fatboy Slim's "The Rockafeller Skank" is the perfect song choice for this wild 90s story. ›››

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New Featurette for 'Scream' in 2022 Examines the Old & New Cast

Scream Featurette

"Each new character is tied to a legacy character." Paramount has debuted a new making of featurette for the new 2022 Scream movie, arriving in theaters this January. The first trailer dropped a few months ago, and they're ramping up marketing with the release coming up soon. 25 years after the original series of murders in Woodsboro, a new killer emerges, and Sidney Prescott must return to uncover the truth. Though this seems to be a reboot, this film is also a direct sequel to 2011's Scream 4, and the first in the series not to be directed by Wes Craven, who passed away in 2015. The returning cast from the original includes David Arquette, Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, Roger L. Jackson, and Marley Shelton. Newcomers in this movie include Melissa Barrera, Jenna Ortega, Jack Quaid, Mason Gooding, Jasmin Savoy Brown, Dylan Minnette, Mikey Madison, Sonia Ben Ammar, and Kyle Gallner. This advice is the best: don't trust anyone. This promo plays like another trailer, but it's effective in making me want to see it. ›››

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Alison Pill & Sarah Gadon Are Sisters in 'All My Puny Sorrows' Trailer

All My Puny Sorrows Trailer

"There is now no smooth road into the future… We've got to live. No matter how many skies have fallen" Voltage Pictures has revealed an official trailer for All My Puny Sorrows, an indie drama from Canadian filmmaker Michael McGowan (of Score: A Hockey Musical and Still Mine). This first premiered at the 2021 Toronto Film Festival in the fall this year, and it also played at the Vancouver Film Festival. Based on the international best-selling novel by Miriam Toews, All My Puny Sorrows is the poignant story of two sisters-one a concert pianist obsessed with ending her life, the other, a writer, who in wrestling with this decision, makes profound discoveries about her herself. Starring Alison Pill and Sarah Gadon as the two sisters Yoli and Elf, with Marin Almasi, Boyd Banks, Gabrielle Jennings, and Donal Logue. This didn't get the best reviews out of TIFF, a bit too much melodrama it seems. Though still looks like a very earnest film. ›››

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Watch: Colbert's 'Lord of the Rings' Rap About the Greatest Trilogy

Lord of the Rings Rap

"Best triple feature, hell yeah we would win it. We got the only trilogy with everything in it." Ahaha this is amazing!! Stephen Colbert, who is one of the biggest LOTR fans ever, put together this awesomely fun rap video to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Middle Earth series. It aired on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert on December 15th, and the full video is online for everyone to enjoy. This is pretty much as good as, if not better than, the iconic SNL raps they've made over the years. But this time Colbert drops one mega hot truth: Lord of the Rings is the #1 Trilly! But we already know that. It always has been. With 17 Oscars, billions at box office, die-hard fans all over the world… Who can argue with this squad of rappers in this instantly iconic new music video? Colbert made this rap video with the show's musician Jon Batiste, and brought back almost all of the stars of the original LOTR films - including Elijah Wood and Orlando Bloom. ›››

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New Trailer for Eerie French Thriller Film 'The Man in the Basement'

The Man in the Basement Trailer

"Promise us you won't talk to him." Madman Films in Australia has unveiled an official trailer for The Man in the Basement, an eerie French thriller from filmmaker Philippe Le Guay. It already opened in France this fall, and will be out in 2022 with English subtitles for those intrigued. Yes indeed, this is about a man in a basement. A couple in Paris decide to sell a basement in their building. A very ordinary, nondescript man, Mr Fonzic, shows up to buy it. Nothing unusual, until he moves into the cellar and makes it his permanent residence. But soon they discover that this man who bought it has a troubled past and the couple's life is turned upside down. It stars François Cluzet, Jérémie Renier, Bérénice Bejo, Jonathan Zaccaï, Victoria Eber, and Denise Chalem. This looks quite creepy & unsettling in the best of ways - a guy who doesn't seem threatening is the ultimate manipulator, twisting people towards his thinking. Very scary stuff. ›››

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