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Watch: Charming Cloth Stop-Motion Short 'The Coin' from Siqi Song

The Coin Short Film

"I always got the lucky coin." Yet another wonderful stop-motion animated short film to enjoy. The Coin is the latest short film made by Chinese filmmaker Siqi Song - who was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Short Film last year with her short titled Sister. This new short is also based on her experiences, this time focusing on her move to the US. The story follows a young woman who loses her lucky jar of coins as she travels, and then struggles to figure out American food. "With my mind experiencing the same digestive problems as my stomach, as it encounters the exotic food, I find myself looking for familiar food, in the hope that it will bring me back to the moment of comfort when I found the coin in it." Featuring the voice of Anna Pan. I quite like this fluffy, cloth stop-motion style - gives it a whole different feel (literally). Dive in. ›››

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from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/3mtWkpi

A Journey to Find the Truth in US Trailer for 'Identifying Features' Film

Identifying Features Trailer

"Don't ask those questions in public. You don't know who's listening." Kino Lorber has unveiled an official US trailer for an indie mother drama from Mexico titled Identifying Features, also known as Sin Señas Particulares (No Particular Signs) in Spanish. And the German title is Was Geschah mit Bus 670?, which just translates to What Happened to Bus 670?. The film follows Mercedes Hernandez as a mother who travels across Mexico in search for her son who authorities say died while trying to cross the border into the United States. "From this simple but urgent premise, director Fernanda Valadez has crafted a lyrical, suspenseful slow burn, equally constructed of moments of beauty and horror, and which leads to a startling, shattering conclusion. Winner of the World Cinema Dramatic Audience and Screenplay Awards at this year's Sundance Film Festival." This also stars David Illescas, Juan Jesús Varela, Ana Laura Rodríguez, Laura Elena Ibarra, and Xicoténcatl Ulloa. This looks like very powerful cinematic storytelling indeed. ›››

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Meet the Tarahumara Tribe in Mexico in 'The Infinite Race' Doc Trailer

The Infinite Race Trailer

"Running is our resistance. Our resistance to imposition. It's a big part of our identity." ESPN has debuted an official trailer for the documentary titled The Infinite Race, the latest offering as part of their fantastic "30 for 30" series. It is a documentary based upon the reclusive Tarahumara tribe in Mexico, in what has become known as the greatest race the world has never seen. The story tells of a tribe in Mexico of born runners, who consider running a part of their culture. Most non-Mexican people first heard of them in the popular book "Born to Run, but their lives are now being threatened by invasive drug cartels. And, as seen in this trailer, they don't really consider the marathons as a part of their culture despite the international attention. ESPN keeps producing some incredible documentaries through "30 for 30", exploring fascinating areas of sports history and culture. This one looks like another that's worth a watch when it's available soon. ›››

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Official Trailer for Horror Cinema Documentary 'Tales of the Uncanny'

Tales of the Uncanny Trailer

"There's something about that human desire to want to tell scary stories to each other." Severin Films has released a new official trailer for a horror documentary titled Tales of the Uncanny with the subtitle: The Ultimate Survey of Anthology Horror. The doc film is a collection of interviews and conversations with over 60 horror writers, directors and scholars discussing their love of and fear of the many horror anthology collections. Essentially a cinema studies film about how unique and scary "short-form horror" is, especially when they package multiple strange stories into one spooky presentation. Anthology films have been a part of cinema history for a long time, and this doc looks back at everything having to do with horror. Described as "a candid discussion of the very best portmanteaus in fright film/TV history." Sounds scary! It looks like a great double feature companion to any/every horror anthology film ever made. Check out the trailer below. ›››

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First Teaser for Snowy Swedish Survival Thriller 'Red Dot' from Netflix

Red Dot Trailer

"Hey, stop that!" Netflix has unveiled an official trailer for an indie survival thriller titled Red Dot, from Swedish filmmaker Alain Darborg. The film follows a young couple taunted outdoors while camping. When Nadja becomes pregnant, David and Nadja make an attempt to rekindle their relationship by traveling to the north of Sweden for a hiking trip but soon their romantic trip turns into a nightmare. It's clear the "red dot" in this is just a laser pointer, probably attached to a rifle, coming from some deranged stranger. Or maybe a deranged ex? Red Dot co-stars Anastasios Soulis and Nanna Blondell as David and Nadja, along with Johannes Kuhnke, Kalled Mustonen, and Tomas Bergström. This looks solid, that laser pointer is a seriously scary way of frightening people from afar. I just wonder what happens next? How do they escape? ›››

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Full Trailer for Korean Thriller 'Seobok' About the First Human Clone

Seobok Trailer

"It's beautiful." "What is?" "To be alive." CJ Entertainment has debuted the full main trailer for the South Korean sci-fi thriller called Seobok (or Seo Bok), the name given to the very first human clone. This action thriller tells the story of Ki Heon, a former agent from an intelligence agency who was given his last order to protect the world's first human clone Seo Bok. He must escort Seobok, who has never known life outside of the laboratory, to a safe place. Starring Gong Yoo and Park Bo Gum in the lead roles. Gong Yoo explains: "The director told us to use Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise's relationship in Rain Man as our reference." That makes sense. This does look a bit like Ex Machina meets Rain Man, and I'm certainly curious to give it a watch. The footage in both trailers looks quite good - nice to see the South Korean take on a story like this. ›››

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Watch: Animated Stan Lee Talks About the F Word in a Funny Short

Stan Lee Sessions

"It seems to me that that so called 'dirty word' is probably the most useful word in the English language." The beloved comic book legend Stan Lee never used any curse words. Or did he…? Well, now we know the definitive answer. Honestly, who doesn't? This amusing animated short film is made from a real recording with the late Stan Lee, who passed away in 2018. Filmmaker / producer Aron Fromm put together this animated short, called Sessions with Stan, when he stumbled across this audio recording in an old folder on his computer. He explains: "I think a lot of people wonder what their heroes are like behind closed doors, and I personally find it reassuring when they’re 100% as advertised. Stan was." The funny 2-minute video animates a behind-the-scenes recording session when Stan talks about the F-word (aka "fuck") and how it is one of the most versatile words that can be used so many different ways. This will definitely make you smile. ›››

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Official Trailer for Clay Tweel's 'Heaven's Gate: The Cult of Cults' Doc

Heaven's Gate: The Cult of Cults Trailer

"Do exactly as I say…" HBO has unveiled an official trailer for a documentary series titled Heaven's Gate: The Cult of Cults, available for streaming starting in December this year. This is the latest documentary made by filmmaker Clay Tweel, who has directed a number of my favorite docs over the years including Finders Keepers, Gleason, Print the Legend, and Make Believe. It will air as a four-part series next month on HBO Max. Most Americans will remember the shocking news story - in March of 1997, 39 people killed themselves in order to reach what they believed was an extraterrestrial spacecraft following Comet Hale–Bopp. This is the story of Heaven's Gate, a UFO religious cult based near San Diego that was founded in 1974 and led by Marshall Applewhite. We've seen many films about cults, many docs about cults, and plenty of TV specials examining Heaven's Gate and how so many people could be duped into believe this nonsense. Tweel's series uses never-before-seen footage & first-person accounts to dig even deeper into this crazy cult. ›››

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Watch: Badass 'Hobo with the High Kick' Short with Moose Matson

Hobo with the High Kick Short Film

"Some people just want to be left alone. I didn't want any trouble. But after what he did to Charlie…" This is one hobo you don't want to mess with! After Hobo with a Shotgun comes a high kickin' hobo from New York City. Check out this badass short film Hobo with the High Kick, made for fun by filmmaker Bill Teck and the Wrong Reel podcast crew. The 8-minute short stars Moose Matson as the titular "hobo with the high kick", and Moose also wrote the script. Also starring Dion Baia and Stephen Koepfer. This isn't a particularly high quality production, but that's the point - just some movie geek friends having fun making a throwback short film honoring hobos that kick ass and take out the trash. I do hope Jason Eisener one day makes a Hobo with a Shotgun sequel, but until then, this is the next best hobo film to kick back with. Enjoy. ›››

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Full Trailer for Ryan Murphy's Movie Musical Extravaganza 'The Prom'

The Prom Trailer

"We're not monsters… We're cultural disruptors!" Netflix has unveiled the full-length trailer for the movie musical The Prom, directed by Ryan Murphy, based on the hit Broadway musical. This debuts on Netflix in December in just a few weeks. A troupe of hilariously self-obsessed theater stars (after their latest show has flopped) swarm into a small conservative Indiana town in support of a high school girl who wants to take her girlfriend to the prom. The extravagant ensemble cast includes Jo Ellen Pellman, Meryl Streep, James Corden, Nicole Kidman, Keegan-Michael Key, Andrew Rannells, Ariana Debose, Tracey Ullman, Kevin Chamberlin, Mary Kay Place, Nathaniel J. Potvin, Logan Riley, Nico Greetham, Sofia Deler, & Kerry Washington. The original show premiered in 2016, and opened on Broadway in NYC in 2018. A "spectacular, big-hearted film adaptation of Chad Beguelin, Bob Martin and Matthew Sklar's award-winning, Tony-nominated Broadway musical." And it looks amazing!! With this cast of course it does. ›››

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Watch: Norwegian Teens Dance in 'Voguing with Beethoven' Short

Voguing with Beethoven

"Shall we begin?" It's time to reinvent Beethoven! Again! Voguing with Beethoven is an exquisite short film made by Norwegian filmmaker Emilie Norenberg - a talented up-and-coming director. She partnered with the Norwegian Chamber Orchestra and the local "Oslo ballroom family" to make this fantastic dance short about identity and belonging. Shot on 16mm film on the suburban streets of Oslo, the film actually tells a story (not just voguing) about a young man's journey to embrace his identity and find a place where he belongs. Starring Karim Mahmoud and Musicians of the Norwegian Chamber Orchestra. This is short is so cool! I wasn't expecting to be so moved by it, especially with a slightly cheesy title like Voguing with Beethoven, but it's even better than I was expecting. "We wanted to create something that felt emotive and authentic." I definitely think they've achieved that in only 4 minutes! Turn the volume wayyy up and enjoy. ›››

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First Trailer for 'Insert Coin' Doc Telling the History of Midway Games

Insert Coin Doc Trailer

"We wanted to crush the player." An official trailer has debuted for the documentary Insert Coin, another fascinating video game history doc film looking back at Midway Games. This originally was set to premiere at SXSW, then officially premiered at the Melbourne Documentary Film Festival this summer. Insert Coin: The Midway Chronicles is the amazing behind-the-scenes story of one of the greatest video game studios of all time – Midway Games. Led by the "godfather of video games" Eugene Jarvis, the company pioneered the concept of live action gaming, kickstarting a new arcade boom and grossing billions of dollars in the process with massive hits like Mortal Kombat and NBA Jam – franchises still popular today. Through intimate and often hilarious interviews with the people who were there, we witness how a small, tight-knit group of friends deal with next level success and the roller coaster ride that comes with it. As a geek, I love these kind of docs! Already looking forward to watching this one. It's available in "virtual cinemas" to watch. ›››

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James Maslow & Ciara Hanna in Cute 'Stars Fell on Alabama' Trailer

Stars Fell On Alabama Trailer

"Your heart knows things that your mind can't explain." Samuel Goldwyn Films has unveiled an official trailer for an adorable indie romance titled Stars Fell on Alabama, from filmmaker V.W. Scheich. This is a very "Welcome to Alabama" film, all about going back home. Successful Hollywood agent Bryce Dixon is returning to Alabama for the first time in 15 years for his high school reunion. When he learns he's the only one of his friends who isn't married with children, he convinces his client, starlet Madison Belle, to pretend to be his girlfriend. But he soon learns that success has different meanings, and romance may be closer than he thinks. Of course. Starring James Maslow and Ciara Hanna, with Jason Burkey, Jaclyn Betham, Lesa Wilson, and Ginny MacColl. This looks like it has some Alabama charm, despite being super cliche. ›››

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New Trailer for Love Story 'Starfish' with Tom Riley & Joanne Froggatt

Starfish Trailer

"He's still your same daddy, even though he looks a bit different." Freestyle Digital Media has released an official US trailer for an indie love story illness drama titled Starfish, based on a true story. This originally premiered at the Edinburgh & Busan Film Festivals in 2016, and already opened in UK cinemas four years ago as well. But is only now getting an official US release direct-to-VOD this fall. Starfish tells the story of a couple whose love is tested to its limit after their perfect life falls apart in a single moment. Tom Riley and Joanne Froggatt star as a husband and wife, a father and mother, who struggle when Tom is diagnosed with Sepsis. "It is the story of Tom and Nic Ray's love, and the survival of that love against all odds." The cast includes Phoebe Nicholls, Michele Dotrice, and Daisy Moore. It looks like an intensely emotional film to watch, such a remarkably tough story, but inspiring in its depiction of love and hope and goodness. ›››

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New Trailer for Low Budget Genetic Engineering Sci-Fi Noir 'Wetware'

Wetware Trailer

"You coded her to fall in love with you." Gravitas has released a new trailer for a very low budget, indie sci-fi noir film titled Wetware, from filmmaker Jay Craven. This originally premiered in 2018 at the Vermont Film Festival, and it was made mostly in Vermont by a Vermont-based filmmaker. Wetware is a film noir set in a near future set at Galapagos Wetware, a cutting edge genetic engineering firm where people down-on-their-luck apply to be Mungos—genetically altered humans with enhanced stamina for dreary jobs like street sweeping and slaughterhouses, or arduous jobs in deep sea mining, industrial agriculture, and toxic clean-up. With business booming, geneticist Hal Briggs has new ideas for high-end Mungos. What can Briggs do to make them complete? And will these altered prototypes still be considered human? Briggs experiments, changing the codes, then his prototypes escape. Wetware stars Jerry O'Connell, Cameron Scoggins, Bret Lada, Aurélia Thiérrée, and Morgan Wolk. Nothing worth watching here, you can skip this one. ›››

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Fighting Social Anxiety by Staying Home in Trailer for 'Sunny Side Up'

Sunny Side Up Trailer

"What if I could just… stop worrying?" An official trailer has debuted for an indie dramedy titled Sunny Side Up, marking the feature directorial debut of filmmaker Mike Melo. This originally premiered in 2017 at the Sarasota Film Festival, and is finally arriving on VOD this December for those interested. Burdened with severe social anxiety, a young funeral director tries to find comfort in a self-imposed house arrest but is challenged by a curious, spirited neighbor named Emma. Starring Hunter Davis as Gregory, racked with debilitating anxiety and a self-deprecating inner voice. Also starring Samantha Marie Creed as Emma, plus William Galatis, and Alan Pelz-Sharpe. Looks cute and fun, despite all the heaps of awkwardness. ›››

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Romance 'Life in a Year' Trailer with Jaden Smith & Cara Delevingne

Life in a Year Trailer

"I know it's not always easy, but nothing ever is… That's why we make plans." Plans for… a whole life? An official trailer has arrived for Life in a Year, a new romance project from Jaden Smith (exec produced by Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith). The emotional drama is about a 17-year-old boy named Daryn, played by Jaden, who falls for a girl he meets at an ice cream shop. But when he learns that she is terminally ill, with only a year left to live, he sets out to give her an entire life in the last year she has. Cara Delevingne co-stars, with a cast including RZA, Nia Long, Cuba Gooding Jr., and Chris D'Elia. This looks sweet but extra campy, a bit overblown with its platitudes and grandiosity. But you gotta live your life! Yeah, sure. ›››

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Olivia Cooke & Jack O'Connell in Sci-Fi Love Story 'Little Fish' Trailer

Little Fish Trailer

"They say you can't forget feelings… and I still believe that." IFC Films has unveiled the first official trailer for an indie romance titled Little Fish, the latest film from acclaimed indie filmmaker Chad Hartigan (of This Is Martin Bonner, Morris from America). This recently premiered at both the Newport Beach and Philadelphia Film Festivals this fall. As a memory loss virus runs rampant, one couple fights to hold their relationship together before the disease can erase all memory of their love in this sweeping sci-fi romance. Imagine waking up and not remembering the person you love. This is the world that newlyweds Emma and Jude find themselves in, not long after meeting and falling in love. When Jude contracts the disease, the young couple will do anything to hold onto the memory of their love. The film stars Olivia Cooke and Jack O'Connell as lovers, as well as Soko, Raúl Castillo, and David Lennon. This looks great, reminds me of the sci-fi romance Equals or kind of the 50 First Dates concept but serious. I will definitely be watching this. ›››

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First Trailer for Animated Sequel 'The Boss Baby 2: Family Business'

The Boss Baby 2 Trailer

"You want me to be a baby again…?" Universal has released the first official trailer for The Boss Baby 2: Family Business, an animated sequel from DreamWorks Animation. The director of all the Madagascar movies and Megamind returns again to direct this follow-up to The Boss Baby from 2017. The Templeton brothers have become adults and drifted away from each other, but a new boss baby with a cutting-edge approach is about to bring them together again - and inspire a new family business. When baby Tina reveals that she's—ta-da!—a top secret agent for BabyCorp now on a mission to uncover the dark secrets behind Tabitha's school and its mysterious founder, Dr. Edwin Armstrong, it will reunite the Templeton brothers in unexpected ways, lead them to re-evaluate the meaning of family and discover what truly matters. Featuring the voices of Alec Baldwin, Jeff Goldblum, Ariana Greenblatt, Jimmy Kimmel, Lisa Kudrow, Eva Longoria, James Marsden, and Amy Sedaris. Seems to be made only for those who like the first movie. ›››

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Dakota Johnson & Jason Segel in Trailer for Cancer Drama 'Our Friend'

Our Friend Trailer

"Nicole's my best friend, too. I'm happy to be here…" Gravitas has released the first official trailer for Our Friend, formerly known as The Friend when it first premiered at last year's Toronto Film Festival. Based on a true story, adapted from the article "The Friend: Love Is Not a Big Enough Word", the film stars Casey Affleck as a journalist named Matt Teague, and Dakota Johnson as his wife Nicole. Their lives are turned upside down when Nicole is diagnosed with terminal cancer. As Matt's responsibilities as caretaker & parent become overwhelming, the couple's best friend Dane Faucheux, played by Jason Segel, offers to help out. "The impact of this generous, albeit complicated, gesture proves greater and more profound than anyone could have imagined." Also featuring Gwendoline Christie, Cherry Jones, Marielle Scott, and Ahna O'Reilly. This looks magnificent! An inspiring and uplifting story about friendship and unconditional love. ›››

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An Investigation of the Truth in 'The Art of Political Murder' Doc Trailer

The Art of Political Murder Trailer

"Don't say nothing, you've seen nothing." HBO has unveiled the official trailer for a film titled The Art of Political Murder, an HBO Original documentary directed by doc producer / filmmaker Paul Taylor. The powerful doc film tells the story of the 1998 murder of Guatemalan human rights activist Bishop Juan Gerardi and how it stunned a country ravaged by decades of political violence. An investigation into the truth – based on Francisco Goldman's award-winning book of the same name and executive produced by Oscar winners George Clooney and Grant Heslov. Just two days after presenting a damning report blaming the atrocities of the civil war on the Guatemalan military, Bishop Gerardi was found dead in his home. The documentary highlights the team of young investigators who take on the case and begin to unearth a web of conspiracy and corruption, entangling the highest levels of government in their pursuit of the truth. Damn. ›››

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Official Trailer for NYC Indie 'Paint' About Three Art School Friends

Paint Trailer

"What artists do is as important as anything else…" Gravitas has released a trailer for an indie film titled Paint, from filmmaker Michael Walker (Chasing Sleep, Price Check). The film, which premiered at Dances with Films this year, is a dark comedic journey about young NYC artists as they struggle to sell their first paintings. The film won the Grand Jury Prize for Best Feature at Dances with Films and will be out on VOD in December. Three friends from art school struggle to start their careers in the bizarre NYC art world, while trying to get by in life and figure themselves out. Starring Josh Caras, Olivia Luccardi, Paul Cooper, Comfort Clinton, Amy Hargreaves, François Arnaud, Vince Nappo, Kaliswa Brewster, Daniel Bellomy. This looks quite good! A smart script that's brutally honest about the absurdity of the art world. ›››

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Watch: Stop-Motion Short Film 'Good Intentions' by Anna Mantzaris

Good Intentions Short Film

"Hell is paved with good intentions." We all know this quote… But how many are actually capable of doing the right thing when it's needed? Good Intentions is a short film made by Swedish animation filmmaker Anna Mantzaris as her graduation project from the Royal College of Art in 2018. She also worked on Wes Anderson's Isle of Dogs, and makes lot of cloth/fabric stop-motion short films in her own time. The short a small thriller about people that are not always the best at making decisions. After premiering at the London Film Festival, BFI wrote about the film: "Good Intentions shows what happens when guilt takes over our lives, hinders judgment and paralyses actions. While the director chooses to focus on an extreme situation, a hit and run, the feeling of overpowering guilt, irrational behaviour and that uncontrollable suspicion that everyone around knows about our mischievous deeds will be familiar to many of us." Indeed… Watch below. ›››

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Saving Paraguayan Ayoreo Culture in 'Nothing But The Sun' Doc Trailer

Nothing But The Sun Doc Trailer

"All those beliefs are going to disappear." An early promo / sales trailer has debuted for a Paraguayan doc called Nothing But The Sun, made by Paraguayan filmmaker Arami Ullon. The film is premiering at the prestigious IDFA Film Festival for documentaries in Amsterdam this month, hence why this trailer is out now. The documentary follows Mateo Sobode Chiqueno, a Paraguayan man who has been recording stories, songs, and testimonies of his Ayoreo people on an old tape recorder since the 1970s. He is still traveling around the Chaco region even today, trying to record their voices before they disappear forever. Facing the consequences of a violent uprooting and in an attempt to preserve fragments of the disappearing culture, Mateo walks across communities in the arid and desolate Paraguayan Chaco region. The ultimate question the film (and his stories) ponders: "Is it a problem that a culture disappears in order to adapt to another?" This looks like a compelling doc film about culture and identity made with compassion and understanding. ›››

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First Trailer for Urban Legend Horror 'Backwoods' with Isabella Alberti

Backwoods Trailer

"Didn't you ever hear those old stories?" Who hasn't? Kamikaze Dogfight has released an official trailer for an indie horror film titled Backwoods, from filmmaker Thomas Smith. This sounds like old school escape-from-the-deranged-killer-in-theforest horror. High school cheerleader Molly woke bound and gagged in the trunk of her boyfriend's car. That was the high point of her night. After escaping her abductor and fleeing into the nearby forest, she comes face-to-face with the town urban legend: The Hangman, a deformed zealot said to hang male trespassers and keep the women as "brides". The film stars Isabella Alberti, Jeremy Sande, Tahj Vaughans, Micahel Anthony Bagozzi, Erin Liley, and Scott Alan Warner. This looks like a wannabe-slasher film, but I don't think this man-in-suit bad guy is going to become a new horror icon. ›››

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Now on Netflix: 'Alien Xmas' Stop-Motion Animated Holiday Special

Alien Xmas Trailer

"We will build the ultimate weapon! Their stuff will be our stuff!" How did we miss this?! Netflix is showing a new 40-minute animated holiday special film titled Alien Xmas, the latest creation of the Chiodo Bros. This stop-motion animated adventure looks like Rankin/Bass' classic "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" TV special – but with aliens, instead of reindeer. Meet X, a little alien who learns that in a world full of stuff, things aren’t meant to be taken, but given. When extraterrestrials attempt to steal Earth's gravity, only the gift-giving spirit of Christmas -- and a small Alien named X -- can save the world. It is already available to watch now; somehow we missed all these trailers when they debuted weeks ago. But better late than never! The film features the voices of Keythe Farley, Dee Bradley Baker, Kaliayh Rhambo, Michelle Deco, Barbara Goodson, and Jessica Gee-George. It looks like wacky fun - good ol' stop-motion storytelling. ›››

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Trailer for 'Bad Impulse' Horror About an Evil Home Security System

Bad Impulse Trailer

"It makes you safe… Isn't that what you want?" Gravitas has released an official trailer for an indie horror thriller titled Bad Impulse, the latest film directed by actress / acting coach / director / producer Michelle Danner. In the aftermath of a traumatic event, a suburban husband & father decides to buy a cutting edge home security system from a mysterious man, only to find that it slowly destroys that which he most wants to protect. Sounds a bit like The Box, but with a home security system instead of a box. Bad Impulse stars Grant Bowler, Paul Sorvino, Sonya Walger, James Landry-Hebert, Abbi Ford, Stephanie Cayo, Dan Lauria, and Rebecca Black. This looks a bit too weird and a bit too creepy, but not really any good. ›››

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A Buddhist Monk Learns the Internet in 'Sing Me a Song' Doc Trailer

Sing Me a Song Doc Trailer

"As long as it's a love song." Gravitas has unveiled an official trailer for an indie documentary titled Sing Me a Song, made by acclaimed French doc filmmaker Thomas Balmès (Bosnia Hotel, Maharadja Burger, Happiness). This originally premiered at the Toronto Film Festival last year, and arrives on VOD in the US in early January. When the internet finally arrives in tiny Bhutan, documentarian Thomas Balmès is there to witness its transformative impact on a young Buddhist monk whose initial trepidation gives way to profound engagement with the technology. A nuanced portrait of a young man’s introduction to the world, Balmès offers us an eye-opening snapshot of the effects of technology, and challenges us to reassess our perceptions of self-worth and beliefs in an age of unparalleled connectivity. It's rather amusing to think that these humble Bhutan Buddhist monks also fall for pretty women in dating apps just as easily as anyone else. ›››

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Full Trailer for 'The Bee Gees: How Can You Mend a Broken Heart' Doc

The Bee Gees: How Can You Mend a Broken Heart Trailer

"When you've got brothers singing - it's like an instrument that nobody else can buy." HBO has debuted the full-length trailer for the music documentary The Bee Gees: How Can You Mend a Broken Heart, from producer / filmmaker Frank Marshall (directing his first ever doc despite producing many before this). It just premiered at a few film festivals this fall and launches on HBO starting in December. Marshall's The Bee Gees documentary chronicles the triumphs and hurdles of brothers Barry, Maurice and Robin Gibb, otherwise known as the Bee Gees. The film is an intimate exploration of the Gibb story, featuring revealing interviews with oldest brother Barry and archival interviews with the late twin brothers Robin and Maurice. Including recording sessions, concert performances, TV appearances and home videos, as well as interviews with musicians Eric Clapton, Noel Gallagher, Nick Jonas, Chris Martin, Justin Timberlake, among others. This looks like an impressive rock doc in every way - with tons of rare footage and interviews galore. Enjoy. ›››

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First International Trailer for Korean Meta Action Comedy Film 'Slate'

Slate Trailer

"The handler of phoenix, vicious and relentless killer!" Whoa!! A trailer has emerged from the Tokyo Film Festival for a Korean action comedy film titled Slate, marking the feature directorial debut of filmmaker Jo Bareun. This is world premiering at TFF this year but has no other release dates set yet and hasn't shown up at any other fests. The meta concept involves a woman who dreams of being the hero of the fight, who ends up whisked away to a strange "parallel world" where people carry swords and kill each other without any retribution. A budding actress dreaming of being an action star works as a stand-in and happens to enter a parallel world where she battles an evil dictator to save villagers. Hilarious fantasy full of film-world inside stories. Starring Ahn Ji-hye, Lee Min-ji, and Park Tae-san. Uhh, this looks awesome!! Not only do the fights look killer, but the whole meta concept and everything about this film totally rules. From the wooden clap board to the title card with a spinning galaxy - I love this trailer. And yes it has a few English subtitles. ›››

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Can Songs Save the World? Trailer for 'Doin' My Drugs' Documentary

Doin' My Drugs Trailer

"I thought I had it all…" Freestyle Digital Media has debuted a trailer for the indie documentary Doin' My Drugs, from filmmaker Tyler Q. Rosen. The title is a reference not to drugs, but to medicine, as the doc is about a musician who has HIV. This first premiered at the CPH:DOX Film Festival last year, and arrives on VOD this fall. Danish singer Thomas Muchimba Buttenschøn, whom was born HIV positive to Danish & Zambian parents, is doing something truly unique to get people tested for HIV: he's putting on a concert where, instead of purchasing a ticket, you take an HIV test. The film tells the story of Thomas Muchimba Buttenschøn and his crusade to use his music to wipe out AIDS in his native Zambia and beyond. This looks like a powerful, uplifting story of a successful individual using his success and money for good, to make the world a safer place. That's much more rare than you think. This looks like a heartwarming doc film to enjoy. ›››

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Trailer for Jingoistic Action Film 'Redemption Day' with Gary Dourdan

Redemption Day Trailer

"This one's off the books." Saban Films has released the official trailer for an intense action movie called Redemption Day, marking the feature directorial debut of Moroccan producer Hicham Hajji. Here's the pitch perfect jingoistic logline: "A US Marine infiltrates a terrorist group to save American hostages." Only thing missing is kissing the feet of the President after it's all over. After the Marine's wife is kidnapped in Morocco, he is forced back into action for a daring and deadly operation in Algeria to save the woman he loves. This stars Gary Dourdan as Captain Brad Paxton, along with Serinda Swan, Martin Donovan, Ernie Hudson, Samy Naceri, and Andy Garcia. I'm always in awe of how all these action movies are always exact copies of themselves, just rinse and repeat, same plot and same shots and everything. Oh well. ›››

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Sean Patrick Flanery in Trailer for Jiu-Jitsu Drama 'Born a Champion'

Born a Champion Trailer

"There is always some theoretical fighter who thinks he can take on the pros." Lionsgate has unveiled an official trailer for a MMA fighter film titled Born a Champion, from French filmmaker Alex Ranarivelo. The film is co-written by and stars actor Sean Patrick Flanery as Mickey Kelly, one of the first American black belts in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Set in the 1990s, the film follows Mickey as he finds himself pulled into an unsanctioned MMA tournament in the hopes of providing for his family. The full cast also includes Dennis Quaid, Katrina Bowden, Currie Graham, Costas Mandylor, Maurice Compte, Reno Wilson, and Ali Afshar. This has all the usual fight film tropes, and doesn't seem to be unique at all especially with the military subplot, but it does look like Flanery is giving one hell of a performance at least. Check it out below. ›››

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Official Trailer for Strange True Crime Documentary 'Alabama Snake'

Alabama Snake Trailer

"It's not a story you hear every day: religion, relationships, and murder." This is creepy. HBO has debuted an official trailer for Alabama Snake, a true crime documentary directed by Theo Love (Little Hope Was Arson, The Legend of Cocaine Island). Alabama Snake highlights the story of Pentecostal minister Glenn Summerford — a man accused of attempting to murder his wife with a rattlesnake in the sleepy town of Scottsboro, Alabama — and the investigation and trial that haunted Southern Appalachia for decades. ‌The film features local historian & folklorist Dr. Thomas Burton, who spent his life studying the culture, beliefs, and folklore of the Pentecostal snake handlers, as he paints a Southern Gothic portrait of Summerford and his tale of demonic possession. This looks and sounds way creepier than it seems at first, which is the point. ›››

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'A Disturbance in the Force' Doc Trailer About THAT Holiday Special

A Disturbance in the Force Trailer

"Nobody's allowed to mention it." An early promo trailer has debuted for a new fan documentary titled A Disturbance in the Force, co-directed by the filmmaker behind the Raiders!: The Story of the Greatest Fan Film Ever Made documentary. This crazy Star Wars doc is about the infamous, unbelievably bad Star Wars Holiday Special from 1978, digging deep into the behind-the-scenes story. The filmmakers explain to io9: "Most attention on the Holiday Special just focuses on how bad it is and doesn't go deeper. Our film is not going to be 90 minutes of dumping on it because no one wants to watch that. We're gone really deep in the research and like an onion, there are a lot more layers as to how the Special happened than you would expect." Sounds good to me. As much as I want nothing to do with that Holiday Special (although this year's Lego Holiday Special looks fun), I'm curious about this and what they learned from the people who made it. ›››

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Official Trailer for 'Some Kind of Heaven' Doc About FL's The Villages

Some Kind of Heaven Trailer

"You come here to live, you don't come here to pass away." Magnolia Pictures has revealed the first trailer for an acclaimed documentary titled Some Kind of Heaven, which originally premiered at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year. It also played at tons of other festivals including Rotterdam, New Zealand, Florida, Atlanta, and Visions du Réel. This doc is produced by Darren Aronofsky, and it looks phenomenal. Behind the gates of a palm tree-lined fantasyland, four residents of America's largest retirement community, The Villages, Florida, strive to find solace and meaning. The film is an "inside look" at the The Villages, America's largest retirement community – a massive, self-contained utopia located in Central Florida. I love the way this is shot! The 4:3 presentation and all of the snazzy cinematography gives it an entirely unique vérité look and feel that makes this doc stand out from so many others. Don't skip this! A must watch trailer. ›››

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Jillian Bell is a Fairy Godmother in Disney's 'Godmothered' Trailer

Godmothered Trailer

"You're starting to believe in magic, aren't you?" Disney has unveiled an official trailer for a new fairytale comedy titled Godmothered, from the director of Bridget Jones's Diary and Bridget Jones's Baby. This holiday season, be careful who you wish for… This magical holiday comedy stars Jillian Bell as Eleanor, a young, inexperienced fairy godmother-in-training. She is an overzealous and unskilled fairy godmother who decides to venture out on her own to prove her worth by tracking down a young girl whose request for help was ignored, in hopes of showing the world that people still need fairy godmothers. But she discovers that the girl is now a 40-year-old single mom working at a TV news station. Isla Fisher also co-stars, joined by Santiago Cabrera, June Squibb, Mary Elizabeth Ellis, Stephnie Weir, Jane Curtin, and Utkarsh Ambudkar. This reminds me of Disney's adorable classic Enchanted, but with a spin on Cinderella's fairy godmother this time. This film definitely won't be for everybody, but it does look undeniably cute and goofy. ›››

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Official Trailer for 'Giving Voice' Doc Film About Student Monologues

Giving Voice Doc Trailer

"You have a lot of labels put on you… and somewhere in there is who you really are." Netflix has unveiled an official trailer for Giving Voice, an award-winning documentary created by producers / filmmakers James D. Stern & Fernando Villena. This premiered at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year, where it won an Audience Awards as the Festival Favorite. This film follows the annual August Wilson Monologue competition and the thousands of high schoolers who enter the competition for the opportunity to perform on Broadway. We've featured trailers for a few other doc films about these kind of events, including Don't Be Nice about a poetry slam team. Executive producer Viola Davis, with Fences co-star Denzel Washington, share the impact that Wilson’s timeless artistry and legacy has had on their careers and their hopes for the young people carrying it forward. The film also features the original song "Never Break" from John Legend. This looks like a deeply inspiring profile of passionate young people expressing themselves through words. ›››

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Teaser Trailer for Robert Rodriguez's New Sequel 'We Can Be Heroes'

We Can Be Heroes Trailer

"We've never dealt with anything like this before." Netflix has revealed a fun teaser for Robert Rodriguez's new movie We Can Be Heroes, launching streaming on Netflix on January 1st to kick off 2021. This is another new kids adventure superhero movie that is actually a sort-of sequel to Rodriguez's beloved hit The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D. When alien invaders kidnap Earth’s superheroes, their children must team up and learn to work together if they want to save their parents and the world. Full of action and heart, We Can Be Heroes is directed by Robert Rodriguez (of all the Spy Kids movies and The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D) and stars YaYa Gosselin, Pedro Pascal, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Boyd Holbrook, Christian Slater, Chris McDonald, and Adriana Barraza. This teaser is only a first look reveal but it's exactly the Sharkboy & Lavagirl follow-up you'd expect, with tons of CGI and kids being kids. ›››

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One Giant Dragon in International Trailer for 'Monster Hunter' Movie

Monster Hunter Trailer

"To kill a monster, you need a monster." Sony Pictures has revealed yet another official Chinese trailer for Monster Hunter, the epic big battle movie based on the international video game series of the same name (created by Kaname Fujioka for Capcom). We featured the first full trailer a month ago, now we have even more gnarly footage. When Lt. Artemis and her loyal soldiers are transported to a new world, they engage in a desperate battle for survival against enormous enemies with incredible powers. They must fight gigantic monsters of all sorts of shapes and sizes to return home safely. This epic new Paul W.S. Anderson movie stars Milla Jovovich, of course, along with T.I. Harris, Meagan Good, Diego Boneta, Ron Perlman, Josh Helman, Jin Au-Yeung, and Tony Jaa. This new trailer finally dips more into the cheesiness of W.S. Anderson's movies, despite the rest of it still looking pretty badass. They know that this is an easy sell of escapism with the giant monsters fighting some puny humans. And yeah I'm looking forward to watching. ›››

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First Teaser Trailer for 'Music' - A Cinematic Experience Made by Sia

Music Teaser Trailer

"All she's got now is you." The first teaser trailer has debuted for a film titled Music, made by Australian singer Sia - directing her first feature. The film is a musical drama + music video "cinematic experience" that will be playing in IMAX theaters early next year, and will launch along with Sia's new album. Zu, played by Kate Hudson, is a newly sober drug dealer who receives news that she is to become the sole guardian of her half-sister named Music, a young girl on the autism spectrum. The film explores two of Sia's favorite themes: finding your voice and creating family. Sia's music is integral to the story of the film. Through fantastical musical sequences she paints an alternative world for Music, Zu, Ebo and their community. Ten original songs have been written for the film by Sia and they are performed by this talented cast. Starring Hudson as well as Maddie Ziegler, Leslie Odom Jr., Ben Schwartz, and Juliette Lewis. This actually looks good! It's only a brief glimpse, but seems like a magical and inspiring look at the great power of music. ›››

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Finally! First Trailer for Sci-Fi Action 'Chaos Walking' with Tom Holland

Chaos Walking Trailer

"With her power there's no telling what he can do." Lionsgate has finally launched the first full trailer for Chaos Walking, the long-delayed, epic new sci-fi action movie from Doug Liman, that has also undergone reshoots after originally being set to open in 2019. Based on a book, the sci-fi film is set in a dystopian world where there are no women and all living creatures can hear each others' thoughts in a stream of images, words, and sounds called Noise. Which is visualized in a clever way in this. With the sudden appearance of a mysterious girl named Viola Eade, played by Daisy Ridley, they both end up on a journey of discovery that will change them both forever. Chaos Walking stars Tom Holland as Todd, along with a fabulous main cast including Ridley as well as Mads Mikkelsen, Demián Bichir, Cynthia Erivo, Nick Jonas, David Oyelowo, Kurt Sutter, and Óscar Jaenada. There is a lot going on in this - with all the thought visuals and dystopian western world, and Viola, and that alien creature, and so much more. Not bad, I'm intrigued. ›››

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WB Confirms 'Wonder Woman 1984' for HBO Max + Theaters at X-Mas

Wonder Woman 1984 Trailer

"Your time will come, Diana." "And everything will be different!" Big news from Hollywood. Warner Bros has officially announced that Wonder Woman 1984 will still open on December 25th, Christmas Day, later this year including on HBO Max the exact same day (at no extra cost). This is a BIG move - saying that you can either see this one in the cinema, if they are open near you, or just watch it at home by subscribing to HBO Max. They're re-released the second trailer (that was initially released back during the summer) with a new release card at the end stating these details. Fast forward to the 1980s as Wonder Woman's next big screen adventure finds her facing two all-new foes: Max Lord and The Cheetah. Gal Gadot returns as Diana Prince, also known as "Wonder Woman", with a cast featuring Chris Pine, Pedro Pascal, Kristen Wiig, Connie Nielsen, Gabriella Wilde, Kristoffer Polaha, Lyon Beckwith, Natasha Rothwell, Oakley Bull, and Robin Wright. I'm still very excited to watch, and I think WB is making the right move making this an event no matter where you are. And if you can, seeing it in theater safely is still the best way. ›››

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Official US Trailer for South Korean Supernatural Thriller 'The Closet'

The Closet Trailer

"Take me with you…" Dark Sky Films has released an official US trailer for the Korean horror thriller The Closet, directed by Kwang-bin Kim. This already opened in South Korea in February this year, and arrives in the US to watch this fall. After Sang-Won's daughter Yi-Na goes missing in their new home, a mysterious man approaches him and tells him to look for her in the closet. The film is about a man who grows apart from his daughter following the death of his wife, and a mysterious exorcist who helps the man find his missing daughter. The supernatural film stars Jung-woo Ha, Yool Heo, Nam-gil Kim, and Si-ah Kim. The looks like it's borrowing some horror concepts from Poltergeist and Insidious and working them into a story of a grieving father. However, I don't know why this trailer is dubbed in English - very strange choice. ›››

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Family of Fur Trappers vs Vicious Creature in 'Hunter Hunter' Trailer

Hunter Hunter Trailer

"What if we can't make it out before the freeze…?" IFC Midnight has released an official trailer for an indie horror thriller titled Hunter Hunter, made by Canadian filmmaker Shawn Linden. This hasn't premiered at any festivals, but will be out on VOD in December for anyone interested in watching. Joseph Mersault and his family live in the remote wilderness as fur trappers, but their tranquility is threatened when they think they are being hunted by the return of a rogue wolf, and Joseph leaves them behind to track it. When they hear a strange noise outside their cabin, Anne hopes it is Joseph but instead finds a man named Lou, who has been severely injured and left for dead. So what's really out there? Hunter Hunter stars Devon Sawa, Nick Stahl, Camille Sullivan, Summer Howell, and Gabriel Daniels. This looks solid, boasting some excellent production design and terrifying forest scenes. And it's probably not the wolf doing all that killing. ›››

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Return to the Creepy Albanian Castle in 'Castle Freak' Horror Trailer

Castle Freak Trailer

"Whatever's hiding in the walls – I think it lives here." RLJE Films has revealed the official trailer for an indie horror remake called Castle Freak, a brand new update of the original 1995 cult classic horror also titled Castle Freak directed by Stuart Gordon. The film is a "reimagining" of the original, starring Barbara Crampton (who is producing this new one). An Albanian castle with bloodthirsty creatures is inherited by a young woman. She must unravel her family's mysterious history before she too falls prey to the Castle Freak. This new Castle Freak stars Clair Catherine, Jake Horowitz, Chris Galust, Kika Magalhaes, Emily Sweet, Elisha Pratt, and Omar Shariff Brunson Jr. This looks uber creepy and extra gory, it also looks incredibly cliche and derivative, offering nothing but the same old horror tropes. Stay away from this castle. ›››

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First Trailer for Superb 'One Night in Miami' Directed by Regina King

One Night in Miami Trailer

"We have to be there for each other." One of the best films of the year! Amazon has unveiled the first official trailer for One Night in Miami, the acclaimed indie film marking the narrative directorial debut of actress Regina King. This premiered to rave reviews at the Venice, Toronto, and New York Film Festivals this year - and it's likely to end up with a bunch of Academy Award nominations soon enough. What happens when Cassius Clay, Malcolm X, Jim Brown, and Sam Cooke all find themselves in the same room… The film is a fictional account of an evening in Miami in the 1960s, bringing together four greats who talk about their life and their accomplishments. Starring Eli Goree as Cassius Clay (aka Muhammad Ali), Kingsley Ben-Adir as Malcolm X, Leslie Odom Jr. as Sam Cooke, Aldis Hodge as Jim Brown; along with Lance Reddick, Christian Magby, Joaquina Kalukango, and Nicolette Robinson. I watched this during TIFF and it's a remarkably powerful, engaging film lead by four outstanding performances. It's definitely worth a watch. ›››

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Official Trailer for Excellent 'MLK/FBI' Doc About MLK's Surveillance

MLK/FBI Doc Trailer

"Staying calm under fire is very hard…" IFC Films has unveiled a trailer for an excellent documentary titled MLK/FBI, which recently premiered at the Toronto and New York Film Festivals this fall. It's also playing at festivals all around the world on a brief festival tour before arriving in theaters in January early next year. We fully expect this film to be on the Academy Awards shortlist for Best Documentaries in 2020. Based on newly declassified files, Pollard's resonant film explores the US government's surveillance and harassment of Martin Luther King, Jr. Despite his heroic status in history nowadays, MLK/FBI examines how the US government (and specifically the FBI) viewed him as an "enemy of the state". Not only did they surveil him and follow him, they often went after him in vicious ways to undermine his progress and destabilize his attempts at unity and peace. The film is very timely examination of how this occurred and that even though MLK may not have been perfect, he's still not the "bad guy" that the FBI tried to portray him as. Of course. ›››

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Don't Mess with Ellen Hollman in Action Thriller 'Army of One' Trailer

Army of One Trailer

"Thought you were dead…" Uncork'd has released an official trailer for an indie action film titled Army of One, featuring "rising action star" Ellen Hollman (who has a role in the upcoming The Matrix 4) as "1st Lieutenant Brenner Baker of the Army's 75th Ranger Division". Not to be confused with the Nicolas Cage comedy also called Army of One from a few years back. While out hiking, Special Forces Ranger Brenner Baker stumbles onto a Cartel's compound. Her husband's killed and she's left for dead. The Cartel made two mistakes, killed her husband and left her alive. They won't live to make another – now she's coming after them. The cast also includes Matt Passmore, Geraldine Singer, Gary Kasper, and Cam Bowen. This is pure jingoism action filmmaking with the added benefit of watching a badass woman take down bad guys. ›››

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'Guitar Man' Doc Trailer About Legendary Bluesman Joe Bonamassa

Guitar Man Doc Trailer

"Prodigies come few & far between. I saw him take an audience apart." Paramount has debuted an official trailer for music documentary Guitar Man, telling the life story of legendary Bluesman Joe Bonamassa. Directed by Philippe Klose & Kevin Shirley, Guitar Man showcases Bonamassa's astounding talent from his childhood as a "wunderkind" discovered and mentored by Blues legend B.B. King. At the age of only 43, Bonamassa has an illustrious career spanning over three decades. Through highs and lows, Joe persevered, taking his musical journey into his own hands to overcome challenges and reach his goals. In 2009, he fulfilled a lifelong dream of playing at the prestigious Royal Albert Hall and was joined on stage by Eric Clapton, marking a pivotal moment that elevated his music to the next level. Filled with an abundance of music, live concert footage, and interviews with music industry legends, Guitar Man chronicles a musician growing in his craft, traveling the globe, collaborating with top artists from across the world of music, and ascending to the heights of inevitable success. Looks like a good time wading into the world of Blues music. ›››

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